District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña and Sacramento Council 953 are hosting a 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification on Saturday, November 14 at the Council 953 Hall, 5961 Newman Ct. The schedule of events is as follows:
9:30 am Registration for 2nd and 3rd Degree
10:45 am 2nd Degree registration closes
11:00 am Exemplification of the 2nd Degree
12:00 pm Lunch (Menu: Ribs & Fixings)
1:00 pm 3rd Degree registration closes
1:30 pm Exemplification of the 3rd Degree
4:30 pm No-host bar & snacks
Cost: For both degrees is $20 and includes lunch. Cost for 2nd Degree only is $13 or 3rd Degree only is $15. For sponsors and guests, lunch is $10. Dress code will be strictly enforced. Candidates must be properly dressed in collared sport shirt and slacks for either exemplification. No blue jeans, shorts or T-Shirts are allowed. If making a reservation for candidates please have names of candidates as well as observers accompanying those candidates. Cutoff total for candidates is 40; waiting list starts at 41. Please encourage sponsors to attend degrees. For more information, please contact DD Ricardo Saldaña or GK Lewis Muñoz.