Brother Knights,
We made it! Well at least that is how I feel. The first 9 months of the Columbian year was a non-stop series of events, all focused on providing charity to those in need, while practicing the principles of unity, fraternity, and patriotism. I am grateful for all those who volunteered and/or participated. Yet, we still have a few opportunities to practice our values before the Columbian Year is complete. This includes a 1st degree (Fraternity), our annual yard sale (Charity), and our PGK / Old Timers Dinner (Unity). I want to thank those who have decided to join the 4th degree (Patriotism) and look forward to seeing you at the exemplification on the 18th of this month.
As we enter into the sacred Triduum, I wish you and your families a Blessed Easter.
Christos Anesti!
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953