Another Successful Pasta for Life Dinner

Pasta for Life Dinner 2017This year’s Pasta for Life dinner was another great success. We had about 120 folks packed into the main hall for a delicious meal, an exciting raffle, and great fellowship. We were very fortunate to have Marie Leatherby and several board members from the Sacramento Life Center join us, as well as Lenore Mullarkey and a few of the women being helped by the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. And best of all, we were able to raise around $1,800 to be split between both charities!

I want to especially thank Hector Garcia, Greg Wolfe, and of course my wife Laura for all their help, both outwardly and behind the scenes, to make this event a reality. Also, special thanks to Dave Carboni and his family and Steve Mills for preparing such a great dinner, as well as to Terry Corcoran, who was our sole bartender for the evening. Thank you also to George Mills, Lewis Munoz, Tom Nulk, Bryan McKrell, and John Sheldon for all their help.

Adam Struck,