All posts by Fred Struck

Hello, My name is Fred Struck. I live in Sacramento California. I am a member of St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church where I am know as Reader Fred. I have been the Reader at St. George's since 1988. I am also a Past Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953.

Grand Knight’s Message, May 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

Two months to go in the Columbian Year, but there are still plenty of things to get done. We have members to initiate, dinners to enjoy, and a wonderful State Convention to attend. I plan on vigorously advocating for Brother John Sheldon’s three resolutions and hopefully I can get a couple of them across the finish line and sent on
to the Supreme Convention. Brother Tom Nulk is cooking our dinner this month and it is sure to be a good one. We have two F-100’s that have been approved for new members and I plan on holding a first degree in June to bring these new brother Knight’s in before the end of my year as Grand Knight. If you have been waiting to
invite a son-in-law, grandson, fellow parishioner, colleague, or anyone else to check out the Knights, try this month or next. It is always a lot more interesting when a First Degree is crowded with new members watching the events unfold in front of them.

I read a very interesting editorial in the Wall Street Journal this week that talked about how poorly attendance, and the understanding of the Catholic faith had suffered over the last three decades. Only 22% of American Catholics attend weekly mass, and only 45% understood the Church’s teaching that the consecrated bread and wine were truly the body and blood of Christ and not merely symbolic. The editorial went on to tell the story of a recent funeral the author had attended for his Uncle where it was clear, that most of the people present were not familiar enough with the mass to state the correct responses, recite the Profession of Faith, or even stand or kneel at the appropriate times. He blamed this mostly on the changes the Church made to the mass back in 2011.

When the Priest reminded the audience that Communion was only for Catholics who were properly disposed, the author expected very few people to come forward, but in fact almost everyone did. And to me, that is truly the beautiful thing about being Catholic, it never leaves you. I am very fortunate that I am comfortable, able, and self-motivated to attend Church every Sunday. It is part of my routine, it is part of my belief system, and it provides me strength, a sense of community, and a strong dose of Hope every week. If I am lucky I learn something, and at worst I see my friends, pray to God and enjoy singing. But for so many people within our Catholic community this is not the case. For more reasons than I could ever list here, many Catholics are not attending weekly mass, but you never stop being Catholic. My baptism, first communion, and wedding were all performed in the Catholic Church and sanctioned by the Catholic Church and that’s not changing. 23% of Americans identify themselves as being Catholic, and it’s very true that few of them are attending mass, but you never stop being Catholic. Being Catholic is truly wonderful and I feel very fortunate to be a part of the Knights. The last ten months have been great, and I look forward to the last two and so many more.

Thanks So Much,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

Final Degree Exemplifications for Current Columbian Year

Council 953 will be hosting a First Degree Exemplification at some point during the month of June. This is the final opportunity for potential Knights to join our council before the end of the current Columbian Year. Additional information, including date and time, are still being determined.

District Deputy Charles Beltz and Marysville Council 1869 are hosting a Second and Third Degree Exemplification on Saturday, June 11 at St. Joseph Parish, 702 C Street, Marysville, CA 95901. This is the final Second and Third Degree being offered in the Northern California Chapter this Columbian Year.

Questions regarding the schedule of degrees may be directed to the Grand Knight or Membership Director.

Culture of Life Report April 2017

Brother Knights,

Thank you for participating with me in the 40 Days for Life activities. Each person that we turned away was a small victory for life. Each of your prayers, and your commitment to life, worked small miracles, and it was moving to see young women change their minds before our eyes.

I am happy to report, that we did have one big victory! The abortion clinic at 1442 Ethan Way is closing, and it is no longer accepting patients. After 42 years of taking the lives of babies, this practice is coming to an end and this facility will harm no more children.

We will meet the gaze of so many babies, whose lives would have been lost. How many of these children will now grow up to do God’s work? Only God knows! But I know that your acts resulted in good work.

Let us all give thanks for the good work we have done together!

God Bless,
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director

Knights in Action

CA Waterfowl Association fundraiser to help raise funds to help preserve California wetlands and waterfowlBrother Knights Alan “Big Al” Piccardo, Matt Lucien, Jack Ingram, Tom Nulk (not pictured) and friends volunteering at a CA Waterfowl Association fundraiser to help raise funds to help preserve California wetlands and waterfowl on April 28, 2017.

Have You Insured Your Most Valuable Asset?

Did you know that there is more to the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program than just Permanent (Whole Life) insurance and Temporary (Term Life) insurance? Many are not aware that we also have Long Term Care insurance, Annuities, and Disability Insurance products, too.

The month of May is designated as Disability Income Insurance month. So I ask, is your income protected if you become sick or injured and cannot work? Your ability to work and earn an income is your most valuable asset. Yet a disability could prevent you from earning that income. Just one year of a disability could eliminate
your savings and devastate your family’s financial stability.

Income Armor, an individual disability income insurance product from the Knights of Columbus, should be a key part of your overall financial plan and family’s protection.

If you are ill or injured, Income Armor provides tax-free monthly benefits to help you meet living expenses and maintain you and your family’s standard of living. Your monthly benefits help you pay your mortgage and other monthly bills, while your savings and retirement assets remain intact.

In short, if you have a job and don’t have a way to protect that paycheck, you should seriously consider Income Armor today. As always, I am always happy to meet with you and your spouse.

C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645