Category Archives: Church

Journey to the Cross

On Sunday, March 30, the Immaculate Conception choir will present Journey to the Cross, a musical experience of the Gospels of Lent. The event is being held at 4:00 pm at Immaculate Conception parish, located at 3263 1st Avenue. A donation of $10 is requested, which benefits the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Immaculate Conception. For more information, please see the attached flier, or contact PGK Joe Miceli, who
will be bringing tickets for the event to the March Business Meeting.

Memorial Service Held at St George Catholic Church

Memorial Service at St George
Memorial Service at St George

On Sunday November 3, Council 953’s annual memorial mass was held at St. George Parish to pray for our Brother Knights who fell asleep in the Lord this year. Fr. Brendan McAnerney, pastor of St. George and Council 953 chaplain, presided over the liturgy and memorial service that followed. Several members of 953 came to pray for the repose of the souls of Rev. John J. Folmer, Steven J. Fusick, Jr., Carl Apostolo, Don Nagel, Harold Hill and PGK Carl Pernichr.

Memorial Mass

A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday November 3rd immediately following the 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church, at 1620 Bell Street in Sacramento. All Knights are encouraged to come and pray for our brother Knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord this past year. The Memorial Service just takes a few minutes. Following the Memorial Service there will be coffee hour in the Parish Hall.

This is also a great recruiting opportunity. It is also a great opportunity for you to see the beauty and spirituality of our Eastern Catholic Church. The Divine Liturgy and the Memorial Service will be led by our chaplain, Fr. Brendan McAnerney.

Please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of Rev. John J. Folmer, Steven J. Fusick, Jr., Carl Apostolo, Don Nagel, Harold Hill and PGK Carl Pernichr.

Lenten Services

Please take an opportunity this Lent to join us for a time of prayer. Experience the spirituality of one of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is one of the Catholic Churches of the Middle East and is in Communion with Pope of Rome. We have services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at 6:30 pm during Lent.

Monday we do the service of Lenten Vespers.
Wednesday we do the service of Pre-Sanctified. The service of Pre-Sanctified is Vespers combined with distribution of Holy Communion. Following the service there is a Lenten meal in the hall.
Friday we do the service of Akathist combined with Small Compline . The Akathist is a ancient hymn to the Mother of God.

St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is located at 1620 Bell Street.

Annual Memorial Service

A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday November 4th immediately following the 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church. All Knights are encouraged to come and pray for our brother Knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord this past year. The Memorial Service just takes a few minutes. Following the Memorial Service there will be coffee hour in the Parish Hall.

Please remember to pray for Brothers Harold Dalske, PGK Howard Mifflin, PGK Tom Lapos, Aldo Lovotti, Vincent Svilich, James McNamara, Larry Hart, Peter Rossi and Richard Engler.

O Christ God, with the saints grant rest to the souls of your servants, in a place where there is no pain, no grief, no sighing, but everlasting life. May their memory be eternal.

St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is located at 1620 Bell Street, Sacramento

Public Square Rosary Crusade will take place on Oct. 13 at noon across U.S.

On Saturday, Oct. 13 at noon, the Public Square Rosary Crusade will be held in 8,000 public squares across the nation, where Catholics will be praying for our nation. This annual event is sponsored by “America Needs Fatima.”

The goal of the crusade is to counter the destructive secular agenda, asking God to guide every aspect of our society. As human efforts have failed to solve America’s key problems, we ask God’s immediate help for our nation’s leadership. He will hear our prayers, especially if we pray the rosary of his Blessed Mother. Without prayer, and specifically the rosary, we will not find solutions to our nation’s many problems. The location is the corner of Sacramento State University, in front of their sign, at the corner of “J”.

Parking will be in the Knights of Columbus Parking Lot (if we have permission–Need Dominic or Frank Phillips to get permission!) at 11:30 am. We will then proceed to the location on foot. We have to be “on time” for the 12:00 noon “start” time…