Category Archives: Community

Donation Given to Stanford Settlement

PGK Dale Edwards presented the check to Sister Jeanne on the Council's behalf.
PGK Dale Edwards presented the check to Sister Jeanne on the Council’s behalf.

At our March 13 business meeting, Council 953 unanimously voted to support the mission of the Stanford Settlement by donating $500 to this worthy charity. The Stanford Settlement, run by Sister Jeanne Felion, provides among other things an after school youth program, a senior social program, and Christmas food boxes to those in need in the disadvantaged Gardenland neighborhood in North Sacramento. On March 18,

PGK Dale Edwards

Annual Pasta Feed a Great Success

Last month’s Pasta Feed fundraiser was a great success! A special thank you goes out to Ricardo Saldaña for organizing the event and Johnny Waldron and his team of cooks for preparing the delicious dinner. Thank you to everyone who came out to the dinner in support of protecting life in our community. We were able to raise over $1,800 for the Sacramento Life Center and the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. In addition, the
proceeds from the March Business Meeting dinner will also be donated to both charities.

Tootsie Roll Drives

On Saturday and Sunday, October 19th & 20th, members of the council conducted our annual Tootsie Roll Drive at St Mary’s Church to raise funds for the intellectually disabled. Members who participated in the drive are: Terry Corcoran, Ricardo Saldana, Bryan McKrell, Tom Nulk, Dominic Ielati, Dale Edwards and Dale Walton.

Thank you, Brothers, for your help. You raised $588.00. Congratulations!
George Mills

Also, special thanks to Dick Cutting for organizing the similarly successful Tootsie Roll Drive at Sacred Heart Church, which was held on Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th.

2013 Zippy Bun Booth a Great Success!

Once again, the council successfully operated the Zippy Bun Booth this past August 18th at the St. Mary’s festival and had a good time doing so. As always, this event depends on the volunteers without whom there would be no ZBB. We would like to acknowledge those who helped out and extend a sincere thanks for their efforts.

Setting up the booth on Saturday morning were Matt Lucien, Fred Struck, Hector Garcia, George Kriske and this years co-chairman, Terry Corcoran. Special thanks goes to Matt who, in the absence of the other co-chairman, went to the hall and retrieved all the necessary equipment for the booth. Those who chipped in during the two hour shifts throughout the day include: Ricardo Saldana, Dick Cutting, Floyd Wells (who, every year forgets that if he comes to the booth immediately following 8:00 am mass, is going to be put to work slicing buns), Matt Lucien, Al Piccardo, Frank Phillips, Kevin Simpson, Andy Thielen, Dominic Ileati, Hector Garcia (who also showed up for the 6-8:00PM shift and then stayed for the take down-thanks Hector), Michael Lopez-Garcia, John Watling (who also stayed around for several additional shifts), Adam Struck, Alex Kachmar, Lewis Munoz, Bill Renard and Joe Miceli. Hector, Joe and Bill also stayed around for the take down. And, as always, a major shout out to our Master of Au Jus, Dave Carboni who stumbles into the kitchen around six in the morning to prepare the elixir without which our zippy bun sandwich would be just a sandwich.

A hearty thanks to all. If I’ve missed anyone or failed to mention your special efforts, I apologize. Let me know and I will certainly mention you.

Terry Corcoran
George Mills

Tootsie Roll Drive

On Saturday and Sunday, October 19th and 20th, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at St. Mary’s Church following all the masses. On Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at Sacred Heart.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the event, this is a fundraiser, the proceeds of which go to local charities which provide support for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Briefly, following each mass, members of the council are stationed outside the doors of the church with a supply of Tootsie Rolls. The Tootsie Rolls are handed out to any member of the congregation who would like one and voluntary donations are collected from those who wish to give. This event has been held at St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart Churches for many years and is well known to and enjoyed by the parishioners.

We will also have a membership drive in conjunction with the Sacred Heart Tootsie Roll Drive.

If you are willing to help, please contact George Mills (St. Mary’s) or Dick Cutting (Sacred Heart).

Public Square Rosary Crusade

Announcing the 2013


America is at a historic crossroad.  Secularists are trying to push God from the public square.  They reject His beneficial action upon society.  But without God, where will our leaders get the wisdom to solve the great problems we face?

We must stop the secularist advance, and pray to God for help.  He will hear us, if we pray through the intercession of His Blessed Mother.  That’s why we’re launching the 2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade.

In The Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Montfort said:  “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”


What:   The Holy Rosary

Where:  Park and Meet at Knights of Columbus 953 Hall ofc, 5961 Newman Ct

At 11:30am, Saturday, October 12, 2013.  We will then proceed on foot to the corner of Sacramento State University and “J” Street and stop on the sidewalk in front of the university sign.

When:   12:00pm, Saturday, October 12, 2013

 For more information, contact:

Name:  Lilian Clifford

Phone Number:  (916) 361-1129