Category Archives: Events

Autumn Social Mixer

On Thursday October 18, 2012 at 6:30 pm Council 953 will be holding an Autumn Social Mixer. This is being put on by our membership director as a recruiting aid. Please bring any Catholic Gentlemen you know who would be a good candidate to join our order, along with wives or girl friends. Appetizers, drinks, adult beverages, and music provided. A shirt with a collar is required.

An event flyer is available.

For more information contact Lewis Munoz membership (at) kofc953 (dot) org or leave a message at 916-736-0953

Family Night

On Friday August 10th Council 953 will be holding a “Family Night.” Bring the children and or grandchildren for this fun event for all. There will be pizza, salad, kid juice boxes & sodas. The bar will be open for adults to purchase beer and wine. There will also be popcorn, ice cream and other treats. The movie “Tangled” will be shown. We will also have kid rated video games setup to use.

The event will be from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
The cost is $5.00 for adults, children are free.
Please RSVP for a head count. # of adults & children.
Also we need help with setting up from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM and cleaning up from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

Bryan McKrell
Family Director, Council 953

Past Grand Knight/Old Timers Dinner

Our annual Installation of Officers and our Past Grand Knight/Old Timers Dinner will be held this Thursday, June 21, 2012.   We will be installing our officers for the 2012-2013 Columbian Year followed by dinner and a ceremony honoring our outgoing Grand Knight, Ricardo Saldana, our Past Grand Knights and those of our members who have given many years of service to the council, especially  those who have achieved significant milestones.

Social hour will begin at 6:00PM,  the installation of officers will commence at 6:30PM and dinner will begin at 7:00PM.  Our chefs will be Dave Carboni and Tom Nulk who will be preparing barbequed tri-tip,barbequed chicken, salad, side dishes and dessert.  Cost of the evening is $10.00 per adult and $5.00 for children under 12 years of age.  Be sure to join us for an enjoyable evening of food and fellowship.  For reservations, please call  the hall at (916) 736-0953 no later than Tuesday, June 19, 2012.

Thanks to All Who Helped on Our 5th Annual Yard Sale

Much thanks to my fellow knights whom helped this weekend for our 5th Annual yard sale: First and foremost Steve Mills. I could NOT do this without your help and many hours spent at the hall, THANK YOU! Next, David Carboni Your polish dogs were a BIG hit again this year and I REALLY appreciate all the support you have given to this cause, especially since Bonnie has been under the weather, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Next George Mills, Bill, Rudy Nagel and Darin Hunter (our newest Knight) thanks SO MUCH for not only putting in hours during the sale, but for helping with Friday night set-up too! Much thanks to my other Friday night set-up men of Bill and Frank. You two plus Darin and George stayed so late I could not have finished as early as I did, THANKS SO MUCH!!! Next to Al, thanks for bringing the piano. That extra $$ made for a lot less dismal weekend. John Sheldon, thanks SO MUCH with the Sunday night cleanup and thanks to you and your mom for the MANY donations!!! Also thanks to Alex Kachmar for helping to pack up the items not sold. I wish I could say it was a great sale for our charities money wise, but sales were WAY down, so maybe next year. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!!!

Terrance Corcoran

Ladies Night

Thursday, February 16, 2012 is the annual Valentine’s get together for the Council. This is the day the Council invites our Ladies to a FREE meal, in appreciation for all the good things they do for the Knights of Columbus, Council 953. Thank you Ladies! That is the good news; now the bad…Knights and other male guests will be charged $15.00 for this meal. The menu is salad, Chicken Cacciatore, pasta, vegetable, mashed sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, and a yummy dessert. Reservations are preferred; and should be made by February 15. Please make your reservations with Matt Lucien, 429-8598, or the Hall 736-0953. Social time will begin at 6:00 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

The Walk for Life in San Francisco is this Saturday

The Walk for Life in San Francisco is this Saturday. Please let me know ASAP if you are planning to attend the Walk so we can meet up at the event and walk together as a group.

Dominic Ielati
PGK/Culture of Life Director
Sacramento Council #953
Knights of Columbus

Fri Jan 20 – “Choose Life” event at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 11th & K St, Sacramento

This event for young people is Friday from 7pm – 9pm. Workshops, speakers and a vigil prayer on the steps of the Cathedral featuring a blessing and send off for teens traveling to the West Coast Walk for Life in SF. Call 733.0123 for more info.

Sat Jan 21 – Walk for Life – West Coast in San Francisco

Walk start point: Civic Center Plaza (Polk Street across from S.F. City Hall)

Info Fair: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Rally: 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Walk: 1:30 pm – will be walking on Market Street to Justin Herman Plaza – should only take about 1 hour.

BUSES TO THE WALK: Contact David Coit by email, or by phone 916-784-0765.

TAKING BART: There are BART stations near the beginning and end of the walk. Please visit the Walk for Life West Coast web site, click on “Event” and then click on “Route Map” to see location of BART stations.

To find other BART stations and schedules, visit

The Knights of Columbus does help with the event. If you want to volunteer to work at the event, please visit the web site for more information.


If you are unable to attend the Walk, please pray with us and/or follow the events of the Walk on EWTN television or on Immaculate Heart Radio (AM 1620 or online).