Council 953 Receives Star Council Plaque

Star Council 2014I was proud to receive the plaque for Star Council for the past Columbian Year. This is only the third time our council has been awarded Star Council.

So what does it take to be Star Council? It is a lot more than just membership. We needed to increase our membership by 16 members, we increased it by
19. We needed an increase of 6 new insurance members, we increased it by 7. We needed to conduct and report at least four (4) major involvement programs in each of the following areas Church, Community, Council, Family, Pro-Life and Youth. We did that and much more. There were also forms that needed to be submitted in a timely manner mostly by the Financial Secretary.

Star Council is a collaborative effort by the entire council. Every member of this council should be proud, it was the hard of work each and every one of you.

Thank you!
Fred Struck
Past Grand Knight, Council 953