The next 40 Days for Life campaign will be taking place from September 25 through November 3. For those of
you who are not familiar, 40 Days for Life is an organized national campaign of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil,
and community outreach to end abortion. The most visible component of the campaign is a 40-day prayer vigil
outside abortion clinics across the country.
Here in Sacramento, 40 Days for Life vigils have been held in the past on the sidewalk in front of the abortion
business located at 1750 Wright Street. Many of you have prayed there in the past, both during the campaign
and on other occasions throughout the year. In the past, mothers about to enter the clinic to have abortions
have changed their minds and chosen life thanks to the prayers and compassion of those present outside!
Just recently, the owners of that property made clear their intentions to sell the building, forcing the clinic to
vacate by September 1. As you can see, our prayerful presence has clearly made a difference! Let us pray that
we may have the same impact at the clinic’s new location, which it appears will be in a building at the corner of
Ethan Way and Hallmark Drive.
For more information about 40 Days for Life, check the next issue of Council 953’s Knight Letter, or log on to