Culture of Life Report July 2015

Brother Knights,

Nothing is more needful today than the survival of a culture of life, because this culture has become side stepped; indeed relegated to the back of the bus. At this moment in the Church’s history in this country it is less urgent to convince the alternative culture in which we live of the truth of the culture of life than it is for us as Knights to tell our members our own story and to nurture our own culture of life.

For those with eyes to see, it is obvious that we must support right to life activities. If we take this action together as Knights, we will keep the light of faith burning through the surrounding cultural darkness.

AB 775, which will force pro-life preganancy medical clinics to refer clients for abortions , passed the Senate Health Committee, with 6 Democrats voting for abortion and 2 Republicans voting for life! It will now go to the full Senate for a vote ā€“ please call the Senators listed below, asking them to vote NO on AB 775!

Senator Ben Hueso Democrat from El Centro, Chula Vista 916-651-4040
Senator Connie Leyva Democrat from San Bernardino 916-651-4020
Senator Tony Mendoza Democrat from Montebello 916-651-4032
Senator Cathleen Galgiani Democrat from Stockton/Modesto 916-651-4005
Senator Isadore Hall Democrat from Los Angeles, Compton 916-651-4035
Senator Robert Hertzberg Democrat from Van Nuys 916-651-4018
Senator Mike McGuire Democrat Ukiah, Crescent City, Santa Rosa 916-651-4002
Senator Marty Block Democrat from San Diego 916-651-4039

Your life-saving prayerful presence continues at 1442 Ethan Way, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, 9 am to 11 am, year-round. Please let me see you there!

Let us stand together in this mission of nurturing a culture of life and lets work together for a culture of life.

God Bless,
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director