1st Degree Exemplification

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September 17, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
1st Degree Exemplification
5961 Newman Court
Sacramento, CA 95819

The council will be holding a 1st degree exemplification on Thursday, September 17th. Any and all members are invited to attend to observe the ceremony and welcome our new members. The door to the council hall will be open at 6:00 p.m., and we are requesting that all candidates arrive no later than 6:30.

Please ensure your candidates are dressed in business casual, i.e., slacks, khakis, dress or polo shirt. Make sure you are using the most current Form 100.  Remind prospective candidates that their dues will be prorated for the year and there will be a flat initiation fee.

The exemplification shall start at 7:00 p.m. (or shortly thereafter).

Refreshments will be served following the exemplification.