Our Insurance Program is Specifically for Knights and our Families

I happened to be donating blood the other day and one of the staff happened to ask what I do. I mentioned that I am a Field Agent with the Knights of Columbus at which time he proudly snapped back, “My dad was a Knight of Columbus.” Naturally, my response was, “Have you considered becoming a Knight?”

Another of the staff members happened to overhear our conversation and said that he heard about the Knights of Columbus for the first time last week. That started a brief discussion about all the good things we do, both for the good of the Order, the Church and the community.

Sadly, when most think of the Knights of Columbus, the things they know us for are the good works that we provide such as Coats for Kids, Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, Free Throw and Soccerball Challenges, and our infamous Pancake Breakfasts and Crab Feeds.

We tend to forget the legacy that the Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney left for us, specifically the Knights of Columbus and their families. That legacy is stated in our original charter of 1882 and the goal remains the same. “To render financial aid to its members and beneficiaries of its members.” That legacy is our Insurance Program and it is specifically for the Knights and our families.

When we think of the insurance program, most think of just whole and term life insurance. But, did you know we also do annuities, long term care, and disability insurance? Right now with tax time just around the corner, many should consider starting an annuity. Also, our long term care program is something most should consider. While many of the other long term care programs have increased their premiums to a member with an existing plan, the Knights of Columbus has never increased a LTC premium to a member with an existing plan …. NEVER! So, maybe it’s time to consider starting an LTC or supplementing your existing plan. It’s not too late to start an LTC in your 50’s. But you won’t know what good value you could have or what an investment could be with the Knights of Columbus if you don’t meet with your Field Agent.

If you would like to setup and appointment or simply just chat, you may call me at (916) 607-1645. You can also follow me on Facebook by searching @PhilipDeLeonKofC or you can go to my website at

May God bless us and our families!
C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, January 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

One of the things I have enjoyed the most over the last few years is my participation on the First Degree Team for our council. Not only has it given me a chance to be a “fake” Grand Knight and appear important, it has provided me with an opportunity to observe and learn from one of our most charming ceremonials. It is probably not appropriate to discuss certain aspects of our ceremonial in this setting, but lately I have continually contemplated in my mind one of the most important lessons from its script. “Time Flies, Remember Death.” The last few months have brought about far too many
instances of tragic death, or the fear of the possibility. If the two eternal truths are death and taxes, I am still at a loss of what I am so scared about, especially in light of what I consider to be a
fairly strong degree of faith and a stellar record of paying the IRS. But regardless of these, I still cringe at the stories from my very own parish of people with young children and fruitful lives being diagnosed with cancer, cancer, and more cancer. I feel terrible when I read about our members passing, or their family members
falling into eternal rest. Just last week I started to get worried about one of our brothers, until I received word that all went well with his surgery and the doctor was impressed with his strength and stamina. I sometimes forget that some people are simply blessed (and really lucky). It occurred to me that all of us should grow giant
mustaches as a show of solidarity, but I wanted to make sure the doctor’s didn’t shave off brother Alex’s signature feature.

If you are looking to make a New Year’s resolution this year, maybe simply start with, “Promise to Enjoy Yourself, just a little bit more.” Make an agreement to take your wife out on a date, see a funny movie, buy a better cup of coffee, or spend that extra night on a trip. If you own a time share or have been planning a vacation, follow through this year and make it happen. Need a new recliner, a bigger television, or maybe you want to volunteer more time doing charitable work – whatever it is that will make your life just a little bit more rewarding, or simply a little bit more enjoyable 2017 looks promising. Plus if you don’t follow through on your resolution you can just chalk it up to being “practical.”

I would never be naive enough to tell you to not fear death, or not to worry about it because of its inevitability, because I frankly am not looking forward to it one bit. The only positive there might be my death is my life insurance paying off which is good for somebody, other than myself. And I think that a big part of being Catholic is always thinking about the welfare of others.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

365 Club

Brothers, you are all encouraged to consider a donation to the 365 Club when you pay your dues. For those who are unfamiliar with the 365 Club, the council asks all its members to make a voluntary donation of, at least, $3.65 (a penny a day) added to their dues. The money collected is turned over to the Columbian Charities, a state council organization, that provides monetary relief to members and their families who have found themselves in severe financial circumstances and who are in immediate need of assistance for food, shelter and other necessities of life. While the basic requested donation is $3.65, please feel free to contribute any amount more than the basic donation if you can. It is an excellent program and has helped a great many of our brother Knights throughout the state and within our own council who have found themselves and their
families in dire need. Thank you for your generosity.

2017 Insurance Check Up

Where did 2016 go? It seems like it was summer yesterday and Easter was last week. I hope you and your family had a great finish to 2016. Now, the first weeks of 2017 are speeding by.

Hopefully, you’ve established a few goals for this year. I’ve learned a great tip regarding resolutions. First, write them down. It’s not too late if you haven’t already done this. Commit your goals to paper and post it someplace you will see it often. Writing down a goal is the first step towards achieving it. I don’t know exactly how this works, but I’ve heard stories of the success this simple task can bring. Whether your goal is to exercise more, give more to charity, read more or watch less television, you’re more likely to accomplish it if
you write it down.

Second, resolve to have an expert look at your finances. I recommend that you have a team of experts help you, and I should be among the first you sit with. Schedule some time to visit with me, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, and I’ll provide an “insurance check-up” (at no cost!) that will quickly
identify any gaps in your family’s life insurance program. And you’ll want to fill those gaps now, not later. Unlike many other products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance; you also need good health, and no one knows when your health could change.

Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received something for free that could be providing value to you and your family for generations? Call me today.

C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, December 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

Merry Christmas. We have a lot to be thankful for this year. Al Piccardo delivered big time on another fabulous Giant Shrimp Dinner. Our Toy Drive was a big success and brother Dominic Ielati delivered a trunk full of toys and a check to the Mustard Seed School. I’m personally looking forward to a large turnout for our annual
Christmas Potluck on the 15th of December, where hopefully Santa Claus will make a special appearance. And we added four new members to our ranks including two priests at the same 1st degree, which may be a possible first for our Council.

Looking forward we still have a crab feed, Pasta For Life, and a Greek Night which all promise to provide a wonderful social calendar in the first half of 2017. I am truly honored to be serving as the Grand Knight this year and it is definitely providing a greater meaning for my Christmas celebration in 2016. Thanks to all of you for everything you do. And if there is anything I can do for my brother Knight’s, please do not hesitate to call or write.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

Resolutions Presented to Longtime Members

Congratulations to Bill Renard for 40 years of service
Congratulations to Bill Renard for 40 years of service
Congratulations to Dick Cutting for 43 years of service
Congratulations to Dick Cutting for 43 years of service
Congratulations to Charlie Nulk (son Tom is pictured) for 57 years of service
Congratulations to Charlie Nulk (son Tom is pictured) for 57 years of service
Congratulations to Rudy Nagle for 56 years of service
Congratulations to Rudy Nagle for 56 years of service

At the November business meeting, several of our longtime members of Council 953 were presented resolutions honoring their many years of service to the Knights of Columbus. These resolutions were prepared by our PGK Lewis Munoz, presented at the 2016 State Convention, and recognized by the Supreme Council.

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.