Annual Memorial Mass

Council 953’s annual Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 6 at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Parish, 1620 Bell Street. The Divine Liturgy (Mass) will begin at 10:30 am, followed immediately by the traditional Byzantine Catholic memorial service in honor of our Brother Knights who fell asleep in the Lord during this past year: Ron Herman, Robert Hocking, William Silva, and Rev. Sidney Hall. All Brother Knights and their families are encouraged to attend. Coffee and refreshments will follow in the parish hall.

Mexican Night Raises Funds for Clara’s House

Brother Greg personally presented a check to Clara's HouseCouncil 953’s annual Mexican Night on September 24 was an amazing success. Thanks to the generosity of all who attended, not to mention the hard work of event chair Greg Wolfe, more than $2,000 was raised for the benefit of Clara’s House, which provides free medical care to the poor and uninsured in our community. And, of course, the food was great as well! Brother Greg personally presented a check to Clara’s House (left) this week on the Council’s behalf.

The VANTAGE Annuity Advantage

Concerned about a comfortable and worry-free retirement? In addition to our traditional Flexible Premium Annuity, the Knights of Columbus offers the VANTAGE Single Premium Deferred Annuity, and it may be part of the answer for you.

With a single deposit of $25,000 or more, the VANTAGE allows you to lock-in a guaranteed interest rate for five years. In addition, there are several attractive renewal options once the five-year period has expired, including keeping the funds in another VANTAGE Annuity, placing them in a more traditional flexible premium annuity where the interest rate can be changed on a quarterly or more frequent basis or — in the 30-day period prior to the fifth and tenth policy anniversaries — withdrawing the funds without a surrender charge.

The VANTAGE Annuity, along with our Flexible Premium Annuity, provides the guarantees that Knights of Columbus members have come to expect — guaranteed interest rates along with absolute safety of principal. In addition, we can easily accommodate rollovers and transfers free of charge.

I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience — in your home — to discuss with you in detail how the Knights of Columbus can help you to secure the comfortable, worry-free retirement you want and deserve.

Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, September 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightMy Brother Knights and Families:

My heartfelt thanks goes out to our brother Knight, Al Piccardo, for his amazing Tri-Tip dinner fundraiser last month. By any measure it was truly a major success. Coming off of his hip replacement surgery, which required brother Al to lose nearly 100 lbs, I was somewhat concerned that the event might be sparsely attended. Quite to the contrary it was packed with nearly 140 guests. There were at least 12 Model A vintage
Ford’s parked out front which added a certain element of class and splendor to the event, and as Brother Greg Wolfe stated at the Officer’s Meeting, “that quite possibly was the best food we have ever served at a Knight’s Dinner.” I could not agree more. To top it off, Dave Carboni introduced all of the guests to “Pesto Alfredo” sauce, and the evening proceeds nearly tripled our budgeted fundraising projections for the dinner. Well done Brother Al, you are a true shining star for the Council and I can’t wait for the Giant Shrimp Feed.

Of course our next big Fundraiser is fast approaching with Mexican Night taking center stage on September 24th. This is a big event for our Council because it is our first donation to Clara’s House, an organization that is close to our hearts as Brother Knights, but even closer to our mission as Catholic’s looking to help those who our most vulnerable in our Society. If you are not able to attend the event on the 24th, try and donate a raffle item, tell your friends and family to try and attend, and say a prayer for Brother Greg as he pulls the entire event together and generates a big donation for a very worthy charity!

And it should also be noted that the Sacramento Bee, and probably a number of other news organizations, reported that the Knights of Columbus commissioned a portrait of Mother Theresa which will now hang at the Vatican after her canonization ceremony on Saturday. Saint Theresa is certainly someone to admire and learn from, and I look forward to invoking her name in some of our meetings this year in the hope that she will pray for our success and efforts as an organization dedicated to Charity. As our compass always points to charity, so too must our first order of business always be dedicated to this cause. If you know a few fellow Catholics who are interested in being charitable, invite them to one of our monthly dinners. If nothing else, they will certainly enjoy the food, and the beer along with getting to hang out with all of us.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

Second & Third Degree Exemplification

District Deputy Eric Watson and Our Lady of Grace Council 9469 are hosting a 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification on Saturday, September 10 2016 at Our Lady of Grace School, 1990 Linden Road, West Sacramento, CA 95691. The schedule of events is as follows:

9:00 am    Registration for 2nd and 3rd Degree
9:50 am    2nd Degree registration closes
10:00 am Exemplification of the 2nd Degree
11:00 am  Lunch (Menu: Smoked pork ribs, coleslaw, corn, potato salad)
11:45 am   3rd Degree registration closes
12:30 pm  Exemplification of the 3rd Degree

Cost: For both degrees is $25 and includes lunch. Cost for 2nd Degree only is $10 or 3rd Degree only is $16. For sponsors and guests, lunch is $14. Dress code will be strictly enforced. Candidates must be properly dressed in collared sport shirt and slacks for either exemplification. No blue jeans, shorts or T-Shirts are allowed. Cell phones and cameras will not be allowed in the Exemplification Chamber. For more

Another Fantastic Tri-Tip Dinner!

Our team hit a home run on Saturday, August 27, 2016 with a wonderful group of workers and supportive friends that came to the dinner.

I want to thank our kitchen crew of David Carboni, Dick Claflin, and Steve Mills. Peter and Anthony Piccardo prepared the fabulous Tri Tip Bar B Q with samplers in the parking lot during the happy hour. The weather was mild and many of our friends mingled around the Bar B Q and viewed the Model A car show in the front parking lot.

Peggy Piccardo organized the Christo Rey High School servers. Our set up crew consisted of Larry Schneider, Jerry Cassidy, Lewis Munos, Grey Wolf, And Dr. Lee Brown. Dr Lee Brown, a member of St. Mary’s parish donated all the items for the silent auction. I encourage everyone to support our generous East Sacramento donors.

PGK Al Piccardo

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.