Get on the Bus Spaghetti Dinner

All brother Knights and their families are invited to attend a Spaghetti Dinner at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Thursday, May 28, 2015. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and dessert. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. All proceeds will go to support Get On The Bus. You can purchase tickets from Greg Wolfe (916-457-7329) or Jacqueline Diaz (916-688-4851).

Get On The Bus brings children and their caregivers from throughout the state of California to visit their mothers & fathers in prison. The program offers free transportation for the children and their caregivers to the prison. Each child is provided a travel bag, a photo with his or her parent, and meals for the day (breakfast, snacks, lunch at the prison, and dinner). On the trip home, a teddy bear with a letter from their parent and post-event counseling. Get On The Bus is a program of The Center for Restorative Justice Works,

Yard Sale Wrap-Up

Many thanks to everyone who helped out with our 8th annual yard sale for charity. I would like to especially thank Dale Edwards for setting up tables and taking leftover items to St. Vincent de Paul and Deseret Industries; Bob and Ann Ocenosak, Alex Kachmar, and John Watling for helping during the sale; to Rudy Nagle for helping clean up; and anyone else whose names I may have forgotten.

The sale continues on Craigslist, with all proceeds – plus those from the sale days – benefiting Clara’s House Clinic.
Terry Corcoran

Check Presented for Newman Student Retreat

Council 953 recently donated $1,000 to support the annual spring retreat for students from the Newman Catholic Community at Sacramento StateAs part of our council’s and our order’s commitment to youth programs, Council 953 recently donated $1,000 to support the annual spring retreat for students from the Newman Catholic Community at Sacramento State. Pictured at left is DGK Lewis Muñoz presenting the check to Fr. Roland Ramirez. Our Catholic youth are the future of both the Church and the Knights of Columbus, so it is important for us as Knights to support them in their faith development.

Culture of Life Report May 2015

Brother Knights,

How many of you have pulled out your Knights of Columbus membership card and asked “In what ways has this card helped me serve the Lord?” Do you feel that the Lord calls you to do good acts? Are you looking for ways to heed the Lord’s call to action?

I urge you to consider working on right to life activities as a member of our Council. Please consider that working for the culture of life will strengthen our community, our Council and our Church. For isn’t it true that we believe that human life is sacred and inviolable, and ought to be defended with maximum determination?

Our starting point must be the Dignity of the Human Person. From the very beginning of creation, the human person was set apart from the rest of created reality according to the divine plan. In Genesis chapters 1 – 3 we see that Man and Woman were created in the divine image, i.e. in the image and likeness of God, Genesis 1:26 – 27.

So please, pull out your Knights of Columbus membership card again, and ask yourself once more – how can you heed the call to action!

Let us stand together in this mission of nurturing a culture of life and lets work together for a culture of life.

God Bless,
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director

What if Your Last Paycheck Was Your Last Paycheck?

Statistics tell us that 10% of North Americans between ages 18 and 64 have a disability and that there is a 33% chance of a person entering the work force today being disabled before they retire. As people earn more, the financial risk posed by a disability becomes more significant. Unfortunately, very few people have insured this risk. Seventy percent of employees in the private sector are not covered by any type of long-term disability insurance.

Ask yourself: “What is my largest asset?” Most people will say it’s their home. But, the fact is that, it’s usually their ability to earn a paycheck. With-out this, all other assets are in jeopardy. If you lose your ability to work, what would you do?

Income Armor from the Knights of Columbus can pick up where your paycheck leaves off. Our Income Armor product is offered to members and their wives ages 18-61 (subject to under-writing requirements). Coverage cannot be canceled as long as you pay your premiums when they are due. Premiums are not guaranteed and increases are possible, but only on a class basis. Your base policy premium provides a comprehensive list of benefits, including for total disability, for partial disability, waiver of premium, and organ donor.

I am happy to meet with you and your spouse to provide you with additional details of Income Armor or any of our other fantastic Knights of Columbus Insurance products. Please contact me today.

Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783

Update from the Health Director

Worthy Brothers, today I wish to share with you eight great lifestyle changes that will go a long way toward improving your overall health:

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. A population-based cohort study of 1,836 older Japanese-Americans found that consumption of fruit and vegetable juices was associated with decreased incident of Alzheimer’s over seven to nine years of follow-up.
  2. Eat berries each day. These berries contain high levels of biologically active components, including a class of compounds called anthocyanosides, which fight memory impairment associated with free radicals and beta-amyloid plaques in the brain.
  3. Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. In the Framingham study, individuals with the top quartile levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, measured at baseline had lower rates of Alzheimer’s over nine years of follow-up.
  4. Take folic acid supplementation or eat foods high in folate. High levels of homocysteine may be associated with poor cognitive function. Some findings indicate that reducing homocysteine with folic acid may increase cognitive function.
  5. Drink a glass of red wine with your evening meal Components in grape skins protect brain cells from the toxic effect of oxidative stress and beta-amyloid.
  6. Follow a Mediterranean style diet. Two studies that used dietary questionnaires to assess and quantify adherence to the diet in different populations found that patients who were most adherent to the Mediterranean style diet had a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s, compared with those who did not follow this diet.
  7. Control your blood pressure. Hypertension appears to be associated with an increased risk of both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  8. Have strong social support. Findings indicate that an active social life and strong network of friends may help prevent Alzheimer’s in later life.

Michael Litwin
Health Director

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.