Membership Growth is Everyone’s Goal

Please remember to ask each and every Catholic gentleman you know to join our ranks for the good of the Church, community and Order.

Don’t forget the strength of our life insurance, long-term care and annuities products is also a selling point of membership. For 127 years, our insurance has been “making a difference for life.” Our ratings are among the best in the business. For the 17th consecutive year, the Knights of Columbus insurance program has earned Standard & Poor’s highest rating, and for the 34th consecutive year, A.M. Best Company has given us its highest financial strength rating.

I can help not only in explaining to prospects our outstanding insurance products, but also on the many other benefits of becoming a knight. I am happy to be an advocate for the Order and for our council. Even better, I can help you feel more comfortable in making the membership “sale” to prospects yourself.
As your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, I look forward to helping us grow in fraternity.

To contact me with regards to any of your insurance needs, please call my office at (916) 482-9044 or e-mail
me at
By Knights … For Knights ….
Stephen Cooper
CA Lics #0H90754

Culture of Life Report for March 2013

With just three weeks to go before our Pasta Feed for LIFE, seats for only three tables had been sold. Yet, by the grace of God (and some sweat of the brow by our Knights), Council 953’s first annual Pasta Feed was a whopping success, with some 180 guests in attendance! This year’s Pasta Feed fell on Thursday, February 28, the same day that a pre-born baby’s life was saved at the local Wright Street abortion business. Prayer volunteers from the 40 Days for Life collected more than enough money to pay the rent for a couple about to go through with an abortion due to financial hardship. Their generosity was sufficient to inspire the couple to choose LIFE and keep their baby! Later that very evening we had our Pasta Feed, profits from which went to the Sacramento Life Center and the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. One of the speakers, “Tina,” told us how she had come to the Sac Life Center homeless, with stage 2 cancer, and pregnant. A referral was made to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home, where Tina has found love, shelter, and transportation to her chemotherapy appointments. The day after our Pasta Feed, Tina gave birth to a healthy baby girl, whose adoptive parents had already driven up from San Diego in anticipation. Thank you to all of our Knights who made the Pasta Feed possible, especially our Worthy Grand Knight Ricardo Saldana. Approximately $1500 was raised for these worthiest of charitable organizations!

The day after our Pasta Feed was also the day that Knights from our council prayed with the 40 Days for Life on the sidewalk outside of the Wright Street abortion business. Thank you to PGK Alex Kachmar, who prayed with me on the sidewalk, and to all of our brother Knights praying for the 40 Days for Life at home. In closing, let us remember the life of former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who died on Monday, February 25, at the age of 96. Koop, a pro-life giant, will leave behind a legacy of helping evangelicals and the general public to understand the critical importance of fighting against abortion and euthanasia.

Vivat Jesus!

Bill James
Culture of Life Director

Lenten Services

Please take an opportunity this Lent to join us for a time of prayer. Experience the spirituality of one of the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is one of the Catholic Churches of the Middle East and is in Communion with Pope of Rome. We have services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at 6:30 pm during Lent.

Monday we do the service of Lenten Vespers.
Wednesday we do the service of Pre-Sanctified. The service of Pre-Sanctified is Vespers combined with distribution of Holy Communion. Following the service there is a Lenten meal in the hall.
Friday we do the service of Akathist combined with Small Compline . The Akathist is a ancient hymn to the Mother of God.

St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is located at 1620 Bell Street.


The following was read by our Worthy Lecturer Jesse Williams
at the February Business Meeting.

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you… we are in charge of our attitudes.

by: Charles Swindoll

Pro-Life Report, February 2013

The 9th annual Walk for Life was held on Saturday, January 26, 2013. It was attended by some 50,000 pro-life witnesses. Speakers this year included the papal nuncio to the United States, who relayed a message from Pope Benedict XVI to us that we who attended the Walk represent “the best of America.” Knights of Columbus members were ubiquitous during the Walk, and proudly displayed the banners of their respective councils. While counter-demonstrators were a bit more numerous than in recent years, the Walk remained, as always, peaceful and respectful of all. It was an honor and a privilege to have been part of this powerful witness to the gospel of life. The presence of so many young people in the Walk underscored the thundering words of Reverend Childress, another speaker at the event: “We will not stand down!”

Steve Patton, Respect Life Coordinator for our Diocese, recently sent a bulletin insert to Respect Life leaders from local parishes. The insert, written by Sacramento public health physician Steve McCurdy, a Catholic and Knight of Columbus, concerns abortion and science. Excerpts include the following:

“The human fetus is a human life. This is not a religious or ethical teaching, as some would have it. It is a scientific fact. From the moment of conception, human life prior to birth differs from us only in its stage of development, not in its fundamental character as a unique human life. While some argue that the fetus is not a “person,” this represents philosophical opinion, not scientific fact, and is often used to deny the human fetus that most fundamental right to its own life. Sadly, denial of rights based on the notion that members of some groups are somehow “not really human” is common throughout history. While society has made great progress in the last centuries against such prejudice, discrimination against fetal life is a glaring exception.”

“Abortion is the most common preventable cause of loss of human life. Nearly a quarter of all recognized pregnancies end in abortion. There are approximately 1.2 million abortions in the U.S. each year, accounting for one third of all deaths. The next largest preventable cause of death, tobacco, is not even a close second at 440,000 deaths per year.”

“As informed Catholics, we have the right and obligation to participate in the debate over abortion. Some Catholics have accepted the argument that opposition to abortion is based solely on our own religious beliefs, and these should not be pressed on others. While this is true for articles of faith (e.g., belief in God, transubstantiation), it is not true regarding scientific facts and universal human values, such as the importance of human life. Just as Catholic citizens have the right to argue for speed limits on city streets, so too must we engage to protect human life.”

Fraternally in Christ,

William (Bill) James
Culture of Life Director
Knights of Columbus
Council 953

Thanks to All Who Helped Make Our Crab Feed a Great Success

Many thanks to all who helped make our Crab Feed a great success. In the kitchen were Dave Carboni, Darin Hunter, Frank Phillips, Al Piccardo and George Mills. Our setup crew included Frank Phillips and Ricardo Saldana with the rest of his team. At the door collecting tickets were Dick Cutting and his wife Lorraine Cutting. Serving at the bar were Tom Nulk and Terry Corcoran. Peggy Piccardo was our table coordinator, Dick Cutting was our raffle ticket seller and Floyd Wells was our seating chart coordinator. Thanks to all our sponsors for donating raffle prizes and to those who went out to our sponsors to solicit the raffle prizes. Also thanks to all who came out to have a fun time and enjoy a great meal while supporting the charitable work of our council.

Al Piccardo, PGK

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.