Pentecost: π‡π€πππ˜ ππˆπ‘π“π‡πƒπ€π˜ π‚π€π“π‡πŽπ‹πˆπ‚ 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐇!

Hello SKs and Brothers,
Pentecost marks the end and the goal of the Easter season. For the Christians it is a memorial of the day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and the Virgin Mary in the form of fiery tongues, an event that took place 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. Pentecost is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit into the world of men and women; it also commemorates the official inauguration of the Christian Church by the apostolic preaching of St. Peter, resulting in the conversion of 3,000 Jews to the Christian faith. Pentecost is thus the official birthday of the Church.
Vivat Jesus!
SK and Brother Marco Ferrero Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953

For more information:

Badge Ordering Instructions

Hello SKs and Fellow Brothers,
If you need to replace or order a badge, please visit this link to order:
The badges include up to 6 lines of engraving. Emblem of the Order for most and β€œonly” if you have been officiated as a SK and exemplified in an Assembly you may then include the 4th degree emblem. Size 2-1/2″ x 3″. Please specify color. (If no “title” is needed, the emblem will be centered on the badge).
When you enter your Badge information, here is a snippet of how to enter two of the required fields:
Thank you,
SK Marco Ferrero, GK Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953

Fwd: A special thank you to all volunteers year through!

Hello SKs and Brothers,
As we come to a close of another Columbian Year, I wanted to express my sincere thank you for all the volunteer hours you have each put in, the support in person or remote and continued prayers for our Council.
With gratitude to SK Ricardo, he was able to coordinate a wonderful group together last Friday to assist our Chaplin in the moving of all the furniture on the top floor of the Rectory. Father Davy was so kind as to prepare a great dinner where we all sat to enjoy in food and brotherhood. Thank you to all the volunteers that day and special recognition to Monica, Monty, Reign and Gavin not shown in the photo attached.
Early reminder that next week is our Businesses Meeting which is Thursday. Doors open at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6pm and meeting at 7pm. Our Chaplin Fr Davy will be joining us and our Worthy Field Agent Greg Bronson is also hoping to make the evening with us as well and possibly our District Deputy Mike Amparan. We will be voting on Officers for the new Columbian Year that evening.
Vivat Jesus!
SK and Brother Marco Ferrero Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953
Please remember to subscribe/like to our new Facebook to view even more photos and 953 news under: KofC Council 953

Officers Meeting 6/2 Business Meeting 6/9: Saint of The Day

Hello SKs and Brothers,
This Thursday June 2nd we will be having our last β€œOfficers” meeting for the Columbian Year at 6:30pm at our Knights Hall located off of Newman Court.
If you have any receipts to turn in, please provide copies to FS John for processing and reimbursement before this month’s β€œBusiness” meeting which will be Thursday on June 9th as an Italian plated dinner with a main dish of Chicken Penne Pasta.
Saint of The Day: St. Justin, Philosopher and Martyr
Coming to know God face to face. He’ll get there, but this man with a sharp intellect and an even sharper soul starts from afar, from paganism. In Samaria in the first century after Christ, Justin grows up nourished by philosophy. The masters of Greek philosophical thought are the light guiding his search for the infinite Being. He has a burning desire for this knowledge; if he could, he would like to grasp and explain that infinite Being with the power of reason.
The fame of the missionary-philosopher, to whom we owe the oldest extant description of the Eucharistic liturgy, traverses the centuries. Even Vatican II recalls his teaching in two pillars of the Council: the documents Lumen gentium and Gaudium et Spes. For Justin, Christianity is the historical and personal manifestation of the Logos in his totality. For this reason, Justin says, β€œEverything beautiful, no matter who said it, belongs to us Christians.”
For more on St. Justin:–justin–philosopher-and-martyr.html
SK and Brother Marco Ferrero, GK Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953

Christmas Potluck Dinner

Council 953’s annual Christmas potluck will be held on Thursday, December 9th. This year’s event is being held jointly with Bishop Manogue Assembly 50. The doors open at 5:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30. Council 953 and Assembly 50 will be providing a turkey and a ham.

Guests are asked to bring a dish to share.

Last name: A-I Salad, J-R Vegetables, S-Z Dessert.

Live Christmas Music to be performed on piano and cello!

Be sure to bring the kids, as a special guest may be stopping by to visit!

Also, we would ask that you bring an unused baby item for a donation to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. Some suggestions are:Diapers

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Formula
  • Bottles & nipples
  • Baby Toys
  • Onesies
  • Receiving Blankets
  • Baby washcloths
  • Baby soaps

Please be sure to register so we know how many are coming.

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St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.