Culture Of Life Report
Care Package for BGMH – thank you!
Thanks to the many of you who made donations to our annual care package for the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home (BGMH). Also, big thanks to PGK Dale Edwards for making the care package delivery. Please know that there are many women and their babies who benefit from these donations.
Sat Jan 21 – Walk for Life – West Coast in San Francisco
Walk start point: Civic Center Plaza (Polk Street across from S.F. City Hall)
Info Fair: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Rally: 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Walk: 1:30 pm – will be walking on Market Street to Justin Herman Plaza
BUSES TO THE WALK: Contact dvdcoit(at)yahoo(dot)com, or by phone 916-784-0765.
TAKING BART: There are BART stations near the beginning and end of the walk. Please visit the Walk for Life West Coast web site, click on “Event” and then click on “Route Map” to see location of BART stations.
To find other BART stations and schedules, visit bart (dot) gov.
The Knights of Columbus does help with the event. If you want to volunteer to work at the event, please visit the web site for more information.
MORE INFO: www(dot)walkforlifewc(dot)com
#953 KNIGHTS MEET-UP: Please let me know if you are planning to attend the Walk and we will arrange to meet up at the event so that we can walk together as a group.
If you are unable to attend the Walk, please pray with us and/or follow the events of the Walk on EWTN television or on Immaculate Heart Radio (AM 1620 or online).
40 Days for Life – Feb. 22 – Apr. 1
Please join us in the Spring 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. Location of the vigil site will be announced in the next Knight Letter.
It is edifying to me as Culture of Life Director to see many of you Brother Knights that participate in each of these vigils. It is not easy, popular or cool to acknowledge publicly that we stand on the side of life. In fact, when many of us do stand up publicly for life, it is typical for us to be vilified by family, friends and strangers alike.
So, I ask you to pray and ask God for guidance on how you can participate in this Spring’s vigil. But most of all, as Christ himself said and Blessed John Paul II echoed, “Do not be afraid!”
To learn more visit: 40daysforlife(dot)com and 40daysforlife(dot)com/sacramento
”…You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born.” From The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache) – The Lord’s Teaching Through The Twelve Apostles to the Nations, Chapter 2. The Second Commandment: Grave Sin Forbidden, circa 100 A.D.
Read our blog on the Culture of Life: kofc953sacramentoprolife(dot)blogspot(dot)com
Dominic Ielati Culture of Life Director