Novena for Life 2023: 9 Days of Online Prayer! 1/12-1/20

January 18, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Novena for Life 2023: Online at YouTube

The Novena for Life 2023 is upon us! How wonderful that we can join with so many lovers of life in prayer throughout our state.

God will honor our every prayer and our every holy intention, not only that all babies be saved from the evil of abortion but that every soul be saved from the power of the Evil One himself and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4).

First, a brief update:

Two of our California bishops have committed to presiding at our Novena for Life liturgy:

Bishop Brennan of Fresno will join us on Day 5 (Monday, the 16th) and
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco will finalize the Novena on Day 9 (Friday, the 20th)

Since the San Diego Walk for Life is imminent (this coming Saturday, 1/14), we share their tremendous 2:30 video first – it’s amazing!

Also watch this 30-second inspirational video of One Life LA (event on Saturday, 1/21):

And don’t miss this 2-minute video from the Walk for Life West Coast (also on Saturday, 1/21):

This one ends with the rousing words of Archbishop Cordileone: “Life is winning, and we will win, and we WILL rebuild the culture of life.” Yes!

You can download abundant resources for the Novena for Life 2023 at the 9 Days of Prayer website. (Don’t forget that the Knights have a dedicated page on this site with specific materials for the KofC.) and at

The site is extremely user-friendly and you will be able to find all the resources you need to participate and promote this great prayer event that is going to Move the Mountain of Abortion from our state and cast it into the sea!