To My Brother Knights and Their Families:
Hot August Nights is a great way to describe the bevy of activities, past, present, and future. I want to thank Bryan McKrell for organizing the Council Picnic on July 12th, which was fun and relaxing. Coming up shortly are St. Stephen’s Pg Roast on the 3rd, the Steak Dinner on the 9th, Zippy Buns on the 17th, and Mexican Knight on September 20th. I encourage any new Brother Knights to volunteer; even one hour is helpful. As they say “many hands makes for light work.”
The officers have established the following goals/challenges for the year: 1. Membership, member involvement and sunshine. 2. Greater service hours and charitable giving. 3. Quarterly “Fun” Knights. 4. Hall Improvements.
Speaking of “The Hall,” it is here for our benefit, and there is no better way to help than making their Steak Dinner a success. I am grateful for our Hall Board, because without their dedication, raising funds to meet our charitable goals would be much more difficult.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953