Grand Knight’s Message, July 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightMy Brother Knights and Families:

I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and faith in me to navigate this historic Council for the upcoming Columbian year. I am truly honored to serve as the Grand Knight and I intend to work every day to further our message of Charity. If we place Charity at the forefront of our efforts, our mission as Knight’s will take care of itself.

With this in mind I would humbly request that all of my Brother Knights who are not currently active consider coming out and attending one of our upcoming dinners. July 14th will feature one of our best menus, and Brother Matt Lucien has decided to cook one of his gourmet meals for the group. Our annual Tri-Tip dinner will be held at the end of the month and just by attending you will have contributed to our mission of Charity that we all find so worthwhile. If you are not able to attend, simply donating a raffle prize, helping to set up, or even doing something as simple as getting the word out to fellow Brother Knights will further our mission. Collectively, our Council can continue to raise and distribute thousands of dollars for worthwhile charities and all it takes is a small effort from the collective whole to do great things.

As we all continue to struggle with the many time commitments that we face on a daily basis, it is helpful to remember that the time we dedicate to the Knight’s has the simple purpose of giving to others. Our Council membership is well above 200 members, but only roughly 20% are truly active. If we could raise the number of active members in our Council by just 20 more members, another 10%, we could double our charitable output. Imagine a commitment as small as attending three of our monthly Council dinners in an entire year, volunteering to help out on one event, and attending two of our fundraisers. It does not sound like a lot of time or effort, but it will truly make a difference and reinforce the tremendous amount of good we produce for the community.

I look forward to seeing, speaking, volunteering, and working with all of you for the next twelve months. If the Knights can be of any service to yourselves, your families, or your Parish, please reach out and ask.

Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953