Grand Knight’s Message, June 2015

Brother Knights,

I do not know which was longer, the 2014-2015 Columbian Year or the 203 miles I walked in Spain. Council 953 should feel proud at all that we accomplished via unity and fraternity. We hosted five major fundraisers while providing much appreciated charity to the unborn, the needy, the frail, and the church. None of this would have been possible without the dedication of you, Brother Knights.

Grand Knight John Sheldon takes a rest during his May pilgrimage in SpainAs for my May pilgrimage in Spain, it enriched my life greatly. I traversed rolling plains, hills, and mountains, while taking in urban, rural, and natural surroundings. I dealt with flies feasting on fresh manure, cows, dust, rain, heat, wind, and cold. I had the benefit of conversing with other pilgrims and long expanses of solitude. I experienced the modern and the ancient, the young and the old. All of this jumbled together on one road, one trail, one way called the Camino, punctuated by yellow arrows and scallop shells.

It is a blessing to have both in my life during the past 12 months.

Thank You and God Bless.

John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953