Brother Knights:
Where has the time gone? It just seems like yesterday that I and my Brother Officers were sworn in at the PGK / Old Timers dinner. Alas, November 2nd, All Souls Day, brings our departed family, friends, and brothers to mind. At the memorial service today, the names of the recently departed were read. As I type this, I recognize that one day, my own time on this earth will end and my name recited. Did I heed the call found within the 1st degree? Did I do enough to warrant the words “good and trusting servant, share in your masters joy?” I know there are many ways one can contribute, but we should feel blessed that our humble little council, regardless of its own peculiarities, gives us the opportunity to participate and make another’s life a bit more bearable. I look forward to those opportunities in the coming months and know that they do in fact make a difference.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953