Grand Knight’s Message, June 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

My term as Grand Knight is coming to a close and thus I have arrived at my final Grand Knight’s message. This has been a great experience for me, and I hope that the Council has benefited in some way from my tenure. I know I have personally benefited, and I can’t thank everyone enough for all of your support and help this year.

I have just returned from our State Convention and I found the entire experience to be eye opening and quite honestly a lot of fun. The convention is going to be held in Sacramento next year and because of that I wanted to provide some observations in the hope that many of us attend next year.

    • There were two masses at the convention, an opening mass and a closing mass. The first mass was celebrated by our current State Chaplain, Bishop Oscar Solis of Salt Lake City, who as he pointed out has a very Hispanic name, but he is actually 100% Filipino. I honestly have never heard a funnier priest/Bishop say mass. If you ever have the opportunity to hear, or meet this man you really should. The mass was co-celebrated by over 40 priests and deacons. As you can imagine it was quite a site. In addition, the closing mass was celebrated by the Archbishop of Los Angeles and co-celebrated by the Bishop of Orange. There were two altar boys who’s only job was to hold the Bishop’s hats and deliver them at the appropriate times during mass. There were four different sets of 4th degree Color Guards escorting everyone and anyone. If you are interested in pomp and circumstance, just attend the opening or closing mass at next year’s convention.


    • Our current State Deputy, our State Deputy elect, our current State Chaplain (the Bishop), and our next State Chaplain were all in the seminary together as young men in the Philippines.


    • Most of the meeting was just like our monthly business meeting, except the officers on the dais were the State Officer’s. They held the exact same format for elections, conducted the same budget process, and passed resolutions the same way. And the more than 500 voting delegates acted the exact same way – there was even a guy who kept abstaining on every vote.


    • We had zero chance of getting our three resolutions passed, but they did make me famous. I stood up without a microphone and asked the State Advocate who was reading our first resolution (the place was fairly quiet because we were the 67th, 68th, and 69th resolutions to be read) and asked if this is when I advocated for people to vote in favor of our resolutions. He instructed me to walk around to a microphone, which I did, but everyone in the room was watching me do this. Then I gave my speech, which boiled down to the fact that we needed to modernize as an organization if we were going to survive. That little speech received a standing ovation and although they voted all three of our bills down, at least a third of the open assembly voted in favor of the bills, surprising our State Officer’s in my opinion. But this episode provided me instant fame, because after that, random guys would stop me and my wife all over the resort and want to talk to me about technology, modernization and the terribly antiquated systems that we use. They would stop us in hallways, at lunch, in the elevator – it was remarkable. And it turns out that several Council’s already accept on-line payments through
      Square and through their websites.


    • Everyone was very friendly and part of this was due to the fact that we all have something in common which made the experience very comfortable.


    • They performed a live first-degree ceremony during the convention in front of more than 500 people and during this they inducted 37 new Knight’s. The first-degree team that performed the ceremony had supposedly tried out against three other teams and won. I can honestly say, that if I memorized my part, and Sheldon memorizes his part, we could easily beat these guys and perform at next year’s convention. George Mills, Dale Edwards, and Matt Lucien are simply head and shoulders above when it comes to their parts. It turns out that very few Councils state wide have first degree teams and many of them utilize a DVD or provide scripts to new initiates.


    • I learned that there are only two sanctioned charities that are under the State Umbrella. The first is the “Brother’s Helping Brother’s” which most of us know as the 365 club. During the convention, a majority of the Grand Knight’s in attendance walk up and hand a check to the heads of the charity and the Council number is called out to the audience along with the City of Origin. Our council collected $1,100 dollars and donated it to the charity. The second charity is the Knights of Columbus care home facility located in Marysville CA. This 20-unit living facility provides apartments and three meals a day for Knights of Columbus in need for approximately $1,200 dollars per month. This is a very worthy and well-intentioned charity, except for their funding is down nearly 80% since its founding. You are reading that correctly – very few Council’s donate to this charity known as the Columbian Retirement Home. It would probably be a very good idea for us to figure out a way, as a Council, to voluntarily donate to this facility and organize an afternoon where we drive up to Marysville and help them out in
      some way.


As we look ahead to next year and into the future it was also insightful to know that nearly every Council I spoke with is struggling with the same issues. I met councils with their own halls and not a single one of them signed the paperwork for Supreme. In fact, two of them flat out told Supreme to forget about it or they were quitting with the threat of becoming a Parish men’s club. All of them complained about the inability to drop brother Knights who did not pay and who had not paid in over five years. They complained about the cumbersome paperwork, the lack of technology and the difficulty with attendance. But through all of the complaints, there was always the acknowledgment that the organization is founded on and continues to be an organization for good. We simply exist to do good things and help people in need. We can all be happy to be a part of an organization that purely exists to do good things.

Thank You,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953


Knights of Columbus and Arlington National Cemetery

SK Garrett Thomas recently returned from a trip to Washington,
DC and shared with us these pictures from Arlington National

Tomb of the Unknowns donated by and proudly bearing the Knights of Columbus logo.Above is a memorial plaque displayed at the Tomb of the
Unknowns donated by and proudly bearing the Knights of
Columbus logo.

Below is a plaque at President John F. Kennedy’s grave site
bearing the famous words of his inaugural address. The 2011
restoration of this plaque was underwritten by the Knights of
Columbus. Kennedy, of course, was both a Knight and the the
first Catholic president.

President John F. Kennedy's grave site bearing the famous words of his inaugural addressBrother Garrett reports that the Knights are quite well represented
in Washington, DC, due in large part to the many patriotic displays and activities in which the order participates.

Knights of Columbus Insurance – June 2017

Brothers, it was my great honor to be one of the witnesses during the ordination of 3 new priests for our diocese on June 3rd. There were 24 members of the Knights of Columbus Color Corps who participated in this sacred ceremony. Likewise, I also noticed many brother Knights with their families who attended the

Bishop Jaime Soto gave an instruction to the candidates before they were ordained and presented with the Book of Gospels. The one phrase that resonated with me is a thought that can apply to all of us in relation to our Christian faith. “Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”

This past year, we have seen so much division, violence, and controversy throughout the world and in a multitude of facets of our daily lives. As members of the Knights of Columbus, the Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded our order, first and foremost, on the principle of Charity. As I have always said, we are brothers helping brothers. We accomplish that generous task in many ways, both locally and globally.

Many of those good works are accomplished through the legacy that the Venerable Michael J. McGivney left for us though the KofC Insurance Program. But, there are other vehicles within the Knights of Columbus that can help, too.

In the past year, I have seen attendance at some council general meetings begin to dwindle and waning participation in events in that help do good things for our parishes and communities. While I understand that we all get busy with our families and work, we should not neglect our spiritual life and the charitable contributions that we do for the Knights. You don’t have to be active in every event. At least participate in one or two events during the year.

Finally, do something for your loved ones if you haven’t already. Remember that you can take advantage of the legacy that Fr. Michael J. McGivney left for us through the Insurance Program by leaving an estate for your loved ones. That will not only leave a lasting legacy for your family, but it can also benefit your brother
Knights, their families, and so many of our Catholic programs and causes.

Finally, we need to always remember to recruit new members. There was a really great article in the Columbia this past month. It talks about a generation of Knights from just one family. If you have a moment, go online by following the link to:

May God bless you, our families, and all our friends.

Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Officer Elections for 2017-18 Columbian Year

The nominations committee has nominated the following slate of officers for the 2017-18 Columbian Year. The slate of officers will be voted on at the June business meeting. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor at the June business meeting, provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.

Grand Knight – Adam Struck
Deputy Grand Knight – Garrett Thomas
Chancellor – Michael Litwin
Warden – Clif Bachmeier
Recorder – Matt Curran
Treasurer – John Watling
Advocate – Fred Struck
Inside Guard – Greg Wolfe
Outside Guard – Tom Nulk
3-Year Trustee – Bryan McKrell
2-Year Trustee – Lewis Muñoz
1-Year Trustee – George Mills

Grand Knight’s Message, May 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

Two months to go in the Columbian Year, but there are still plenty of things to get done. We have members to initiate, dinners to enjoy, and a wonderful State Convention to attend. I plan on vigorously advocating for Brother John Sheldon’s three resolutions and hopefully I can get a couple of them across the finish line and sent on
to the Supreme Convention. Brother Tom Nulk is cooking our dinner this month and it is sure to be a good one. We have two F-100’s that have been approved for new members and I plan on holding a first degree in June to bring these new brother Knight’s in before the end of my year as Grand Knight. If you have been waiting to
invite a son-in-law, grandson, fellow parishioner, colleague, or anyone else to check out the Knights, try this month or next. It is always a lot more interesting when a First Degree is crowded with new members watching the events unfold in front of them.

I read a very interesting editorial in the Wall Street Journal this week that talked about how poorly attendance, and the understanding of the Catholic faith had suffered over the last three decades. Only 22% of American Catholics attend weekly mass, and only 45% understood the Church’s teaching that the consecrated bread and wine were truly the body and blood of Christ and not merely symbolic. The editorial went on to tell the story of a recent funeral the author had attended for his Uncle where it was clear, that most of the people present were not familiar enough with the mass to state the correct responses, recite the Profession of Faith, or even stand or kneel at the appropriate times. He blamed this mostly on the changes the Church made to the mass back in 2011.

When the Priest reminded the audience that Communion was only for Catholics who were properly disposed, the author expected very few people to come forward, but in fact almost everyone did. And to me, that is truly the beautiful thing about being Catholic, it never leaves you. I am very fortunate that I am comfortable, able, and self-motivated to attend Church every Sunday. It is part of my routine, it is part of my belief system, and it provides me strength, a sense of community, and a strong dose of Hope every week. If I am lucky I learn something, and at worst I see my friends, pray to God and enjoy singing. But for so many people within our Catholic community this is not the case. For more reasons than I could ever list here, many Catholics are not attending weekly mass, but you never stop being Catholic. My baptism, first communion, and wedding were all performed in the Catholic Church and sanctioned by the Catholic Church and that’s not changing. 23% of Americans identify themselves as being Catholic, and it’s very true that few of them are attending mass, but you never stop being Catholic. Being Catholic is truly wonderful and I feel very fortunate to be a part of the Knights. The last ten months have been great, and I look forward to the last two and so many more.

Thanks So Much,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

Final Degree Exemplifications for Current Columbian Year

Council 953 will be hosting a First Degree Exemplification at some point during the month of June. This is the final opportunity for potential Knights to join our council before the end of the current Columbian Year. Additional information, including date and time, are still being determined.

District Deputy Charles Beltz and Marysville Council 1869 are hosting a Second and Third Degree Exemplification on Saturday, June 11 at St. Joseph Parish, 702 C Street, Marysville, CA 95901. This is the final Second and Third Degree being offered in the Northern California Chapter this Columbian Year.

Questions regarding the schedule of degrees may be directed to the Grand Knight or Membership Director.

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.