Day of the Unborn Child Approaching Fast

The international Knights of Columbus Day of Prayer for the Unborn Child takes place on March 25. Knights of Columbus Council 953 invites all members of the community to join us for a pro-life Mass (Divine Liturgy) to be held in the Byzantine Rite at St. George Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, 1620 Bell Street, Sacramento, CA 95864. The Divine Liturgy begins at 10:30 am on Saturday March 25. The Divine Liturgy will be concelebrated by Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo  pastor of St George, Fr. Brendan McAnerney, O.P and Fr. Aaron Engebretson S.J. chaplain of council 953.

A simple fish lunch will be served following the Divine Liturgy.

For further information contact PGK Fred Struck (Reader Fred). 916-905-2555



Grand Knight’s Message, March 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

Lent is one of the greatest time periods every year for a plethora of reasons. It allows us a few extra moments to consider our faith and recommit ourselves to the cause of being a good Catholic. Much like New Year’s resolutions, I spend several days leading up to Ash Wednesday contemplating what would be a good fast, or sacrifice to put forth in a show of good faith. I find it somewhat funny that some people have a critical reaction if you mention that you are going to give up chocolate, or sweets or pizza, or alcohol, when the Church itself asks you to give up meat on Fridays. But Fish still counts and not on St. Patrick’s Day, where the Bishop has cleared us to eat as much corned beef as we would like. If you eat chocolate every day, and you give it up for Lent, every time you reach for an M&M but realize you cannot eat it, I would bet you remember your faith in God. Is that not the point of this exercise?

Regardless of what you gave up, if you have not started yet there is still plenty of time. I vowed to give up my time, by praying a rosary once a day. I thought it would line up with our beliefs as a Knight, sound fairly religious in nature, and allow me to pray for something daily. I’ll admit I already missed a day, but I also ate a Turkey sandwich on Ash Wednesday only realizing afterward that I blew it. Back to the Sin Bin! I will keep trying, and I encourage my Brother Knights to do the same. 20 days might not be 40, but it sure sounds better than zero.

I also want to take a moment to single out our wonderful Financial Secretary, Brother John Sheldon. Last weekend at Pasta For Life, John not only baked two dozen cookies for the raffle, but he single-handedly put together a “kids raffle” that was the highlight of the night. So many kids left our dinner happy and it was all because of Brother John’s creativity and sincere effort. Being a Financial Secretary is a thankless job, but I honestly thank John every day, and I can’t wait to hear about his upcoming pilgrimage to Spain.

And speaking of Pasta For Life, a big thank you to Deputy Grand Knight Adam Struck, his lovely wife, and brother Dave Carboni. Their collective efforts raised nearly $2,000 dollars for the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home and the Sacramento Life Center. And they did such a good job promoting the event that a real “Pro Choice” protester showed up and picketed our dinner. Now that is a job well done.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

April Business Meeting Moved

Please note that the April Business Meeting which would otherwise take place on Thursday, April 13 has been moved due to it falling on Holy Thursday. Instead, the April Business Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 6, which is the first Thursday of the month. Dinner will be served as usual prior to the meeting. A brief officers’ meeting will take place beforehand.

Another Successful Pasta for Life Dinner

Pasta for Life Dinner 2017This year’s Pasta for Life dinner was another great success. We had about 120 folks packed into the main hall for a delicious meal, an exciting raffle, and great fellowship. We were very fortunate to have Marie Leatherby and several board members from the Sacramento Life Center join us, as well as Lenore Mullarkey and a few of the women being helped by the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. And best of all, we were able to raise around $1,800 to be split between both charities!

I want to especially thank Hector Garcia, Greg Wolfe, and of course my wife Laura for all their help, both outwardly and behind the scenes, to make this event a reality. Also, special thanks to Dave Carboni and his family and Steve Mills for preparing such a great dinner, as well as to Terry Corcoran, who was our sole bartender for the evening. Thank you also to George Mills, Lewis Munoz, Tom Nulk, Bryan McKrell, and John Sheldon for all their help.

Adam Struck,

Why the Knights of Columbus?

When I meet with new Knights and their spouses for the first time, I always try to conduct a fraternal briefing so they have a brief understanding of how the Knights of Columbus started and what the legacy that our founder, Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney left for us.

I also try to show a sampling of the many good works that we as the Knights of Columbus perform locally, nationwide and throughout the world. I cite many of my examples from one of our publications, Did You Know? It’s important that we all understand the foundation of who and why we exist.

For example, did you know the Knights are the creators of a $25 million Vicarious Christi Fund that is conveyed to the Holy Father to fund his many projects of good works? Did you know that we raised $11 million to support persecuted Christians in the Middle East? Did you know that after the Supreme Knight toured the devastation left by the 2010 Haitian earthquake that we provided medical services by fitting youths with prosthetic devices who were crippled by the earthquake?

The Knights of Columbus also generated $175,000,000 and provided 73,000,000 hours of volunteer hours to the Church and communities.

As for the insurance program, we paid in in excess of $609,000,000 in benefits and $275,000,000 in dividends to our insured members. We provide insurance to more than 2 million Knights and their family members.

My brothers, the insurance program has earned the distinction of as being one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for its 3rd year in a row by the Ethisphere Institute. We also continue to earn the highest rating by A.M, Best who independently rates insurance companies. If you haven’t yet, protect your most valuable asset, you and your family.

So why the Knights of Columbus? Because we make miracles happen with the legacy that the Venerable FatherMichael J. McGivney left for us!

May God bless us and our families!

C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, February 2017

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightDear Brother Knights:

The Council continues to thrive, but there is no doubt that we need more Knights. January was a busy month for the Council, highlighted by a fantastic dinner followed by the longest business meeting of my tenure as Grand Knight. Two weeks later we had an outstanding crab feed, put on by Al Picardo and his lovely wife Peggy. The highlight of the night was the thrilling wins by George Mills and Kevin Riley during the raffle. I’m sure the crab feed will be another financial triumph for the Council but we can’t simply raise funds and consider ourselves successful. We also must be impactful with our charity, and our community outreach.

Brother Dale Edwards reported at the Officers meeting that over 175 children at St. Mary’s school participated in the annual free throw contest, with another large group of children participating at Sacred Heart. These are fabulous numbers which represent one of our most impactful community outreach programs that we participate in as a Council. In addition to these, we have our largest charitable donations slated to be disbursed over the next three months. Scholarships for students at Christo Rey, stipends for seminarians, money to help support Pro-Life groups and children trying to visit their parents in prison. These incredible causes are worthy of our support, and I look forward to seeing these checks written and disbursed by our Financial Secretary.

But to grow our ranks, and thus provide more energy, manpower and enthusiasm to increase our charitable giving, we must create more opportunities to volunteer and be present at the parishes we represent. We must develop stronger relationships with the priests that fall under our Council and reach out to them to see how we can be of assistance. It would be my goal, and my wish, to see us help out at least once during this Columbian year at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, and Immaculate Conception parish. We know that the Bishop has put an extra layer of bureaucracy on our Order, to insure the safety of our young people by requiring finger printing and training classes, but we are going to cross that hurdle next month. I have scheduled in person training and finger printing to take place at our March business meeting so that any Knight who wishes to volunteer, will be able to fulfill the Bishop’s wishes with very little inconvenience. By being present at the Parishes we represent, and volunteering there, we give ourselves a chance to recruit more Brother Knights to our Order.

So, in the spirit of our Brother Dale Edwards, let’s reach out to our parishes and create an opportunity over the next four months to be present and helpful at our local parishes. St. Mary’s, Sacred Heart, The Cathedral. St. Francis, Immaculate Conception, St. George, Holy Spirit, and St. Andrew’s are all waiting for their Knights to make an appearance. Let’s see if we can find our way to perform a little outreach and show our potential Brothers what we are all about.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.