Life Insurance as a Gift

The initial reaction for many people when you mention life insurance as a gift is a quick step back and a questioning stare. How morbid, they may think quietly or aloud. While it may seem that way when you first mention it, life insurance is a really thoughtful gift that can be a financial life preserver in tough times.

The problem with life insurance is the general perception. Many think of life insurance only in cases where someone dies. Life insurance should, in fact, be thought of as a precautionary protective measure for a family unit. The purchase of this product can mean saving your home, sending your children to college, and preserving your spouse’s quality of life in the event of your death.

One of the times you may want to purchase life insurance for someone is when a family has a new baby. It’s a great, low-cost way to set money aside for the future (i.e. college tuition, housing, business start-up, etc.). Of greater importance, it ensures these children will have insurance as adults, in case an illness later in life makes him or her uninsurable.

Newlyweds are also ideal recipients for life insurance. As they join their lives and financial responsibilities, young couples need to make sure that their early investments are fully protected. If something were to happen to one of them, the other may be faced with serious financial hardship. A life insurance policy is an ideal way to ensure their future and protect their assets.

As nontraditional as it may be, life insurance is a wise and caring gift to purchase for many people. To learn more about our various life insurance products, contact me today.

C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, November 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightMy Brother Knights and Families:

It’s November, but it sure feels like Winter has come on quickly. A wet October is certainly a good omen for a large amount of much needed rain this year. It would be quite a turn of events if we could experience a year of heavy precipitation. Keep praying for rain, no matter how annoying the wet weather can be.

I was fortunate enough to attend the Memorial Mass for our brother Knights who have passed away this year, today, at St. George Parish. The ceremony was Orthodox Christian and I must admit I was completely amazed by the entire service. Father Brendan, our previous Chaplain from nearly three years ago, presided with another priest, and our current chaplain, Father Aaron, was invited to assist during the mass. I have never been shrouded in so much incense and our own past Grand Knight, Fred Struck, sang and cantered beautifully for nearly two hours. I would encourage every brother Knight to attend a mass at St. George in the next few months because it certainly opens your eyes to the rich breadth, depth, and variety that is present in our beautiful religion. I promise that you will leave the ceremony with a greater love, respect, and appreciation for your Catholic faith and the many aspects of it that are a true mystery to many of us.

November presents two big opportunities for us as Knights. The first is the Giant Shrimp Feed, coming up on Friday, November 18th. Unfortunately, I will be on vacation at this time, but luckily my Father In-Law just joined the Knight’s last week and he is ready to take my place and invite a few friends. The Giant Shrimp Feed is the
biggest fundraising event on our calendar so please support it as much as you can. Attend, volunteer, buy raffle tickets, donate a raffle prize, and tell your friends, colleagues and family how great an event this is every year. I am sincerely asking you to take a moment and find a way to support this great event. I realize that some of our members are unfortunately allergic to shrimp but don’t worry, Pasta For Life, is coming soon fellas.

Our second big opportunity is, of course, Thanksgiving. I know personally that I have so much to be thankful for in my life, and nothing is more important than saying thanks to all of you for allowing me to be Grand Knight. It is very rewarding to be more involved this year and it has brought me a greater appreciation of both my faith, and the work that we do. I hope that each of you takes a moment to find something to be thankful for this year. This will make you feel better about eating Giant Shrimp on the 18th and enormous turkeys on the 24th. If you can’t think of anything then just be thankful for Steve Mills and Tom Nulk. This dynamic duo put on our annual Oktoberfest, which not only raised a lot of money for the Council, but the Hall Board had a record night of Beer Sales. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

Christmas Potluck Dinner

The Council’s Christmas Potluck will be on Thursday, December 15. All Brother Knights and their families are invited. The hall and bar will open at 5:30pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30pm. The Council will provide both a ham and a turkey for the potluck, and we will be showing a Christmas movie, yet to be determined.

Also, we would ask that you bring an unused baby item for a donation to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.

Some suggestions are:
• Diapers
• Wipes
• Formula
• Bottles & Nipples
• Baby Toys
• Onesies
• Receiving Blankets
• Baby Washcloths
• Baby Soaps

Please fill out the online form at to let us know how many people you have coming and what you are bringing. Or, you may leave a message at the hall, 916-736-0953. Note: There is no regular business meeting in the month of December.

The Value of Life Insurance for Children

As parents, we worry about our children and do everything we can to protect them. We try to raise them right and make sure they are prepared to become adults. But have you ever thought about buying life insurance for your child?

When you insure a child, you are protecting his or her future. Did you know that one out of every six adults get rated, postponed, or denied for insurance coverage? If you purchase a policy for your child from the Knights of Columbus with a guaranteed purchase option (GPO), it guarantees that more insurance can be purchased for that child at certain set dates, without proving evidence of insurability.

Unfortunately, as fathers we don’t have a crystal ball, and we don’t know what the future may have in store for our children’s health. But did you know that right now you can purchase a child’s policy, in many cases, for less than $10 a month?

I’ve heard it said that people don’t want to “profit” from the death of a child, so they won’t purchase coverage on their children. God forbid something tragic happens.

But, with Christmas around the corner that policy can also be a wonderful gift. It can be used as investment to help fund your child’s future college tuition or help with the down payment of your child’s first home when they become a young adult. Those funds can also come in handy at a time when finances will be the last thing on a parent’s mind. I have never heard a story about someone who regretted buying coverage on their child. Contact me today to discuss the many policy options for children and youths, including 10- and 20-Pay life insurance.

C. Philip De Leon (CA License #OK63623)
(916) 607-1645

Grand Knight’s Message, October 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightMy Brother Knights and Families:

September was a fabulous month for our Council, highlighted by one of our highest attended events in recent memory, Mexican Night. More than 175 guests filled the hall for an evening of great food, great fun, and amazing charity. With the help of a very generous hall board donation (Thank you Mr. Mills) we were able to write a check to Clara’s House for more than $2,000 dollars. But the real excitement of the the evening was watching our council come together and reach out to a broader community of people. It is truly a spectacular sight to see Knights and their families surrounded by so many other guests raising money for a very worthy cause. A big thank you to Brother Greg Wolfe who has extended the tradition of Mexican Night for another year and is quickly turning it into one of the premier events on our calendar.

October now brings us into Fall and the gateway to the Holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all shrouded in tradition and splendor, but lets not forget that the holidays can be a very difficult time for many people. Remember to reach out and embrace those who have lost loved one recently, or who may be estranged from their families. The holidays are a magical time for most children, but for those who do not have a stable home or a permanent family the holidays can be just another reminder of a very difficult situation. Therefore, I would like to propose that we organize a toy drive in the month of November that we can then present as a Council to a very worthy recipient such as the Sacramento Children’s Home or Loaves and Fishes. Please bring your ideas to the next business meeting where Terry Corcoran and Dave Carboni will be serving Zippy Buns and Potato Salad. We can fill our stomachs and then devise a plan to fill the stockings of some very worthy kids in our community. There is no better opportunity to further our first mission of Charity then during the holiday season.

If you are looking for an excuse to get back involved with the Knights, then look no further then Octoberfest coming up in a couple of weeks. Tom Nulk and Steve Mills co-chair one of the finest menus on the calendar with a remarkable selection of great beer, and a festive atmosphere complete with traditional German singing. I can honestly say that I have never attended Octoberfest, but as Grand Knight I am really looking forward to finally participating and seeing what all of the hype is about. This is always one of the most well attended events on the calendar, and it would really be amazing if we could match the incredible turn-out we had for Mexican Night. I encourage each and every one of you to bring yourself and invite a few friends so we can keep this amazing streak of successful dinners going this Columbian Year.

As always if I, or the Knights can be of any help to yourselves or your families please let us know. As a Council I would really like to help Dave Carboni and the Hall Board paint the exterior of the Hall. We really need to come together as a Council and set a date to get this done. If anyone is looking for a very easy way to volunteer a little time and elbow grease this is the perfect opportunity. I look forward to seeing all of the familiar faces this month and hopefully a number of unfamiliar faces who feel like saying hello.

Most Sincerely,
Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.