Culture of Life Report December 2015

Brothers, please read the following message regarding the protection of life, issued earlier this month by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson:

Dear Brother Knight,

Please act now to encourage Congress to protect the rights of conscientious objectors to abortion, sterilization, and contraception. These rights are under attack.

In California, for example, the state government has issued a directive requiring all health plans to cover abortions. Religious ministries in the state, including Catholic schools, are right now being forced to add abortion to their health plans.

This sort of coercion violates federal law, but these federal conscience protections have not been enforced. More protection is needed as similar violations occur throughout the country. Health care workers and organizations need the ability to act on their own to defend their rights in court.

The Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA) grants this by providing victims a means for protecting their conscience rights through legal action. Contact your members of Congress to support ANDA.

Immediate action is necessary. Consider the case of Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo, RN, a nurse in New York City, whose employer forced her to choose between assisting in a late-term abortion and losing her job:

The hospital where I work coerced me to assist in a 22-week abortion. They were well aware that as a faithful Catholic, I could not participate in the killing of a pre-born child. Yet, they threatened my job and my nursing license if I did not take part in the murder of a baby.

Her story is here: https://youtube/uknxrMI61WI

As Pope Francis has said, “conscientious objection is a right, and part of the body of all human rights. If we want to make peace, we must respect all rights.”

Thank you for doing your part to protect conscience rights and to build a Culture of Life.

Carl Anderson
Supreme Knight

Life Insurance as a Gift?

The initial reaction for many people when you mention life insurance as a gift is a quick step back and a questioning stare. How morbid, they may think quietly or aloud. While it may seem that way when you first mention it, life insurance is a really thoughtful gift that can be a financial life preserver in tough times.

The problem with life insurance is the general perception. Many think of life insurance only in cases where someone dies. Life insurance should, in fact, be thought of as a precautionary protective measure for a family unit. The purchase of this product can mean saving your home, sending your children to college, and preserving your spouse’s quality of life in the event of your death.

One of the times you may want to purchase life insurance for someone is when a family has a new baby. It’s a great, low-cost way to set money aside for the future (i.e. college tuition, housing, business start-up, etc.). Of greater importance, it ensures these children will have insurance as adults, in case an illness later in life makes him or her uninsurable.

Newlyweds are also ideal recipients for life insurance. As they join their lives and financial responsibilities, young couples need to make sure that their early investments are fully protected. If something were to happen to one of them, the other may be faced with serious financial hardship. A life insurance policy is an ideal way to ensure their future and protect their assets.

As nontraditional as it may be, life insurance is a wise and caring gift to purchase for many people. To learn more about our various life insurance products, contact your agent today.

NOTE: Brothers, we currently do not have an insurance agent assigned to our council. If you are interested in meeting with a Knights of Columbus Insurance agent to discuss new or existing coverage, please contact the Todd Cabral Agency at 916-350-4390.

Grand Knight’s Message, November 2015

Worthy Brother Knights and Families:

Thanksgiving is upon us and as we look toward the holiday season, let us remember that Thanksgiving is more than the kick-off to the shopping season. Rather, it is truly a time to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. Indeed, such thanks is founded in scripture:

“Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.” (Psalm 52:2-3.) “I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in Him, you have been enriched in every way – in all your speaking and in all your knowledge – . . .” (1 Corinthians 1:4-5.) “For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.” (1 Timothy 4:4-5.) “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34.)

God has done great wonderful things for us and our Council. We thank Him for all of the enduring friendships we have made at Council 953 and of the successes that He has bestowed on us. We also thank him for giving us strength and fortitude to help those who cannot speak for themselves, shelter those who need, stop pain where we see it, and give love where it is needed.

Enjoy your families and friends this Thanksgiving season, for all good things are possible with God. May God continue to bless you and your families this Thanksgiving Holiday.

Lewis Muñoz
Grand Knight, Council 953

Christmas Potluck Dinner

The Council’s Christmas Potluck will be on Thursday, December 10. All Brother Knights and their families are invited. The hall and bar will open at 5:30pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30pm. The Council will provide both a ham and a turkey for the potluck, and we will be showing a Christmas movie, yet to be determined.

Also, we would ask that you bring an unused baby item for a donation to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.
Some suggestions are:
• Diapers
• Wipes
• Formula
• Bottles & Nipples
• Baby Toys
• Onesies
• Receiving Blankets
• Baby Washcloths
• Baby Soaps

Please fill out the online form to let us know how many people you have coming and what you are bringing. Or, you may leave a message at the hall, 916-736-0953. Note: There is no regular business meeting in the month of December.

Oktoberfest Wrap-Up

People enjoying Oktoberfest A big THANK YOU!! to everyone who attended and helped on our recent Oktoberfest! Thanks
to our numerous sponsors for the raffle (too many to mention here) it was a huge success.
Thanks to the following, without your help it wouldn’t happen: Andy Smith (The Bread Store),
Dave Carboni, John Watling, “Murph,” Danny Torza, Anthony and Erin Reinas, Mike Mooney,
Andy Thielen, Wendy Mills, Terry Corcoran, Jack Ingram, Bob Ocenosak, Matt Lucien, Alex
Kachmar and Joe Davis. We appreciate all your support.

– Tom Nulk and Steve Mills

2nd & 3rd Degree Exemplification

District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña and Sacramento Council 953 are hosting a 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification on Saturday, November 14 at the Council 953 Hall, 5961 Newman Ct. The schedule of events is as follows:

9:30 am      Registration for 2nd and 3rd Degree
10:45 am    2nd Degree registration closes
11:00 am    Exemplification of the 2nd Degree
12:00 pm    Lunch (Menu: Ribs & Fixings)
1:00 pm      3rd Degree registration closes
1:30 pm      Exemplification of the 3rd Degree
4:30 pm      No-host bar & snacks

Cost: For both degrees is $20 and includes lunch. Cost for 2nd Degree only is $13 or 3rd Degree only is $15. For sponsors and guests, lunch is $10. Dress code will be strictly enforced. Candidates must be properly dressed in collared sport shirt and slacks for either exemplification. No blue jeans, shorts or T-Shirts are allowed. If making a reservation for candidates please have names of candidates as well as observers accompanying those candidates. Cutoff total for candidates is 40; waiting list starts at 41. Please encourage sponsors to attend degrees. For more information, please contact DD Ricardo Saldaña or GK Lewis Muñoz.

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.