The council is once again conducting a 40 Cans for Lent food drive. Every brother is encouraged to participate by donating one can of food for each day of Lent or, in lieu thereof, a donation of either cash or a grocery store gift card. The donations will be collected at our April business meeting. The proceeds will first be used to assist any of our Brother Knights and their families who are in need. The remainder will be donated to the food closet at the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.
Memory Eternal: Brother Frank Philipps
The council is saddened to report that our Brother Frank Philipps fell asleep in the Lord on January 12. Brother Frank was an active member of Council 953 for many years. In addition to his service to his church and council, Frank was very active in other aspects of the community, including the California State Railroad Museum, Carmichael Elks Club, Italian Club, Model A Club of Sacramento, and Sierra Adoption Services. He truly lived out the principle of charity that is the cornerstone of the Knights of Columbus. May God grant eternal rest to Brother Frank and comfort his family.
Youth Activities Update
Our council’s Basketball Free Throw Championship was held at Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s schools in January. Sacred Heart had 86 participants and St. Mary’s had 131 for a total of 217 participants. That is a new record high for our council. As happened last year, the two schools had an equal number of winners for our council – six for each. I will be attending assemblies at each school in the coming weeks to present the trophies to our 12 council winners and certificates to the 12 school winners at each school. I appreciate the help I received this
year in running the contest from Brother Knights Floyd Wells, George Mills and Al Piccardo. The District championship is scheduled for February 14th and the Chapter championship will be on February 21st.
Next on the horizon for Youth Activities will be the review of scholarship candidates for our annual scholarship awards.
Dale Edwards, PGK
Youth Director
Council Accepting E-Waste Donations
The council is accepting donations of e-waste and scrap metal on a continuous basis. E-waste is any electronic or battery-powered device, including computers, printers, cell phones, and household appliances (except refrigerators). These devices are recycled in exchange for dollars that are used to fund improvements to the hall. E-waste donations may be brought to the council hall or, in some cases, can be picked up from your home or place of business.
For more information, please contact Terry Corcoran at 224-7786.
Get on the Bus
Get On The Bus (GOTB) is a program of The Center for Restorative Justice Works, a non-profit organization that unites children and parents separated by the criminal justice system. The program provides meals and transportation to make it possible for children to visit their parents in prison for Father’s Day and Mother’s Day.
Brother knight Greg Wolfe will be the Bus #2 Coordinator from Sacramento going to Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP) on June 20, 2015. We need your help to make the trip a success for these children and families. Council 953 is collecting donations to help us qualify as a Bus Benefactor. That means Council 953’s name will be listed on the event day t-shirts. More importantly it will help families and children.
Christ says to each of us, ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ (Mathew 25: 35-36). We do not all have the opportunity to visit those in prison. But we can act in solidarity with children visiting their incarcerated parents by donating to support the costs of sending Bus #2 to Salinas.
Donations can be made payable to Knights of Columbus Council 953. Write Bus #2 SVSP in the memo line of your check. Your money will go straight to work to charter the bus to transport the children and provide them with lunch and dinner. Donations of any size are appreciated!
Tax Day is Just Around the Corner
April 15 – tax day – is right around the corner. It’s become popular this time of year to encourage the opening of an IRA, ROTH-IRA or similar retirement annuity, or the depositing of additional funds into an existing account, as a tax savings vehicle. A secondary approach is to tout the rate of interest that savings in one of these accounts can earn.
Certainly, contributing money to Knights of Columbus IRA annuity will allow you to save some money on your income tax return. And our annuities do pay a very competitive interest rate, consistent with our primary goal of absolute safety of principal. Opening or adding to an annuity for these reasons, however, strikes me as taking a short-term view of a product that is designed to provide long-term security. How much security? How does a guaranteed retirement income that you cannot outlive – sound to you?
Here at the Knights of Columbus, you can open a retirement annuity for as little as $300. Consistent and disciplined contributions to your KofC annuity can guarantee you an income at retirement that you cannot outlive.
I am happy to meet with you – at your convenience and in your home – to explain in detail the benefits of opening a Knights of Columbus IRA or ROTH-IRA, along with the benefits of our top-rated Life Insurance and Long Term Care Insurance plans.
Please contact me with regards to any of your insurance needs. ASK ME ABOUT A SINGLE PREMIUM LIFE INSURANCE PLAN!!!
Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783