Grand Knight’s Message, November 2013

In the Western Church, November 1st is the Feast of All Saints and November 2nd is the celebration of All Souls. And so each year, on the first Sunday in November, our council remembers the souls of our brother knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord during this past year. This year our memorial service will be held on Sunday November 3rd at St. George Melkite Catholic Church located at 1620 Bell Street, Sacramento. The Divine Liturgy begins at 10:30 am and the memorial service is held immediately after. I encourage you to come and pray for the souls of our fellow knights. It is also a great opportunity for you to experience the spirituality of the eastern church.

I want to thank all of you helped out at our Tootsie Roll drive, Membership Drives and German Night. What was really impressive to me it that we had all this happening on the same weekend, with recruiting taking place at three different churches at the same time. German Night was a lot of fun and the food was great. Further information on the results of these events will follow.

Don’t forget that our Shrimp Dinner is on Saturday, November 16th. This is a fundraiser for the many charitable works we do throughout the year. I encourage you to contact Al Piccardo to see how you can help out at this event. Make plans to come to the dinner and bring some friends. This is a great event and always a lot of fun.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight Council 953

Culture of Life Report for November 2013

Brother Knights,

As Knights it is up to us to lead others in promoting the culture of life, as Knights we must provide the foundations for the pro-life movement. These foundations are ultimately the Christian faith, whose interpreter is the Catholic Church.

In document after document, we have come to know that the culture of death must be converted to the culture of life. Otherwise human society will not survive.

Knowing this is an opportunity.  It’s an opportunity to remember that God put us here for a purpose. He’s asking us to turn our hearts to building the kind of world that embodies his love and honors the sanctity of the human children he created.

As knights, we must not be afraid to confront our society with the truth about life – about the beautiful gift that it is, how it cannot be taken for granted or taken away by whim.

Brother Knights we need to spread the word. With a unifying voice our local community must hear us say that life is beautiful because it is made in God’s image and likeness, it is precious because it comes from Him. It is not ours to manipulate, only to receive with gratitude, enhance what we can, and respect from beginning to end.

Our generosity in the face of the selfish individualism of our culture is a powerful way of proclaiming the Gospel of Life.

Take a moment and imagine what would happen if the Knights of Columbus were to be publicly identified with a vigorous pro-life movement.  Local priests would be encouraged to address the life issues forthrightly in their parishes. The laity would follow their newly identified leaders. The culture of life would be advanced immeasurably.

A culture of  life depends on each of us!  It depends on Catholics who deeply believe in eternal life, as it is us as Knights who heroically live out what we believe.

Brother Knights have you wonder why there is a massive anti-life movement throughout the world? Could it be that Catholics have not fully lived up to their God-given responsibility?

The world is made evil by human beings, but what gives life to this world, what gives this world a reason for living must be, provided by Catholics. Only we, have the full possession of revealed truth.  This failure to speak up has one result. We have legalized abortion around us, just minutes from our meeting place.

As Knights we need to live, believe, and promote eternal life. We need to reach out to the Catholic laity: those in married life, the single, even children, should be taught from infancy that they are made for eternal life and have explained to them the conditions for reaching eternal life after bodily death.

The faith of pro-life leaders must be a clear and not a confused faith. If we are to have a clear Catholic faith, we should, and start today, examining our consciences on what we are reading, listening to, and watching in the mass media. We must mortify our mind and imagination and not expose them to the rampart error that saturates our atmosphere. Otherwise, we can patiently listen to a conference on the pro-life movement, be an activist, and pro-life rescuers, but God bless you, you are not real leaders in the Catholic pro-life movement.

As Knights, we must zealously promote human life among those with we live. Notice the emphasis on promotion. This means being missionaries of eternal life. Let us be honest, the only people with whom we are going to live in eternity, joining us in the heaven for which we were made, are the people like us. The price of eternal life is the practice of charity. The highest charity we can practice on earth is to share our faith, faith in eternal life, with others.

We need to work to change the culture. That demands a lifelong commitment to education, Christian formation and, ultimately, conversion.  If we change one heart at a time, while we save one unborn life at a time, the day will come when we won’t need to worry about saving babies, because they’ll be surrounded by a loving and welcoming culture.

Your commitment to human life matters eternally. Some lives will only be lived because your voice made those lives possible So no matter how tired you get; no matter how hard the work becomes; no matter who praises you or who condemns you; the only thing that finally matters is this: Jesus Christ is Lord. He came to give us life and life abundantly. God is good; and he never abandons his people. And because of his love — and because of the witness of people like you — the future is ours. And the best is yet to come.

God bless
Hector Garcia
Pro-Life Director

We live in a world of options and we are constantly bombarded by choices

We live in a world of options and we are constantly bombarded by choices. Some of these make our lives more complicated, but many of these choices are created with our satisfaction in mind.

At the Knights of Columbus, every product we offer has been designed solely for the benefit of our members and their families. When I present an option to you, it’s because a team of experts has discussed it at length to be certain it serves your best interest.

We have a few options on how you can provide and pay for the whole life coverage that your family needs. Many whole life policies call for premiums to be paid for your entire life or to age 100. But we also offer permanent life coverage with guaranteed cash values (and the potential to earn dividends, which are not guaranteed) through policies that offer a limited period of premium payments.

First, we offer “10 Pay Life” and “20 Pay Life.” Consider paying premiums for 10 or 20 years, and never having to pay for the coverage again. The plan is “paid up” and no more premiums are due. The plan stays in force, the death benefit remains intact and the guaranteed cash value continues to grow.

A plan with similar benefits is “Life Paid Up at 65.” The difference over 10 or 20 Pay Life plans is that this permanent product requires you to pay premiums until age 65. Then, premiums stop (just in time for retirement), but the plan remains in force.

Finally, the ultimate in limited pay is our Single Premium Life product. Imagine buying life insurance — permanent life insurance — and only paying one single premium? It’s possible.

To learn more about these products, our long-term care insurance, disability income or retirement products, please call me today.

Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878
(707) 301-1783

Tootsie Roll Drives

On Saturday and Sunday, October 19th & 20th, members of the council conducted our annual Tootsie Roll Drive at St Mary’s Church to raise funds for the intellectually disabled. Members who participated in the drive are: Terry Corcoran, Ricardo Saldana, Bryan McKrell, Tom Nulk, Dominic Ielati, Dale Edwards and Dale Walton.

Thank you, Brothers, for your help. You raised $588.00. Congratulations!
George Mills

Also, special thanks to Dick Cutting for organizing the similarly successful Tootsie Roll Drive at Sacred Heart Church, which was held on Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th.


The council had its annual Oktoberfest on October 26 and a good time was had by all. A big thank you goes to all the brothers who attended the event and also to those who helped by working at the event. Special recognition goes to The Bread Store and Andy Smith, Dave Carboni, George Mills, John Watling, Terry
Corcoran, Anthony & Erin Reinas, Wendy Mills, Joe Davis, Murph, Fred Struck, Ricardo Saldana, Mike Mooney, Jack Ingram, and Andy Thielen.

Steve Mills & Tom Nulk

Memorial Mass

A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday November 3rd immediately following the 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church, at 1620 Bell Street in Sacramento. All Knights are encouraged to come and pray for our brother Knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord this past year. The Memorial Service just takes a few minutes. Following the Memorial Service there will be coffee hour in the Parish Hall.

This is also a great recruiting opportunity. It is also a great opportunity for you to see the beauty and spirituality of our Eastern Catholic Church. The Divine Liturgy and the Memorial Service will be led by our chaplain, Fr. Brendan McAnerney.

Please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of Rev. John J. Folmer, Steven J. Fusick, Jr., Carl Apostolo, Don Nagel, Harold Hill and PGK Carl Pernichr.

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.