To my Worthy Brother Knights and families;
February is the shortest month of the year but bursting with fraternal activity by our brother Knights. We shifted mountains of E-Waste to fund hall improvements, hosting the 2nd and 3rd degrees for our district, entertained our sweethearts at Ladies Night, finalized whom is the best free thrown shooters, provided coffee and doughnuts after mass, served soup on Friday, and hosted a Pasta For Life dinner benefiting the Sacramento Life Center and Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home. Theses actions of Charity are a corner stone of what it means to be a Knight. This is fitting considering we also entered into the season of Lent.
As we transit the month of March and approach the apex of our Catholic existence, namely the celebration of Easter, we should reflect on those powerful words spoken to us during our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees. We should reflect on what it means to be a “practical Catholic.” Namely, one whom seeks the objective truth in terms of faith and morals, places them into action, and takes advantage of the Sacraments, sacramentals, and other resources to bring about interior and exterior conversion, so to better serve ourselves as we server others.
Throughout the Columbian Year, by our involvement with various events and causes, we exemplify what it means to be a Knight by showing our Catholic faith in action. I encourage you to spend these last weeks of Lent reflecting on small ways to bring about additional conversion of mind, heart, and soul, sustaining you as we serve others.
GO! and make a difference.
John Sheldon
Chancellor Council 953