The Walk for Life in San Francisco is this Saturday

The Walk for Life in San Francisco is this Saturday. Please let me know ASAP if you are planning to attend the Walk so we can meet up at the event and walk together as a group.

Dominic Ielati
PGK/Culture of Life Director
Sacramento Council #953
Knights of Columbus

Fri Jan 20 – “Choose Life” event at Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 11th & K St, Sacramento

This event for young people is Friday from 7pm – 9pm. Workshops, speakers and a vigil prayer on the steps of the Cathedral featuring a blessing and send off for teens traveling to the West Coast Walk for Life in SF. Call 733.0123 for more info.

Sat Jan 21 – Walk for Life – West Coast in San Francisco

Walk start point: Civic Center Plaza (Polk Street across from S.F. City Hall)

Info Fair: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Rally: 12:30 to 1:30 pm
Walk: 1:30 pm – will be walking on Market Street to Justin Herman Plaza – should only take about 1 hour.

BUSES TO THE WALK: Contact David Coit by email, or by phone 916-784-0765.

TAKING BART: There are BART stations near the beginning and end of the walk. Please visit the Walk for Life West Coast web site, click on “Event” and then click on “Route Map” to see location of BART stations.

To find other BART stations and schedules, visit

The Knights of Columbus does help with the event. If you want to volunteer to work at the event, please visit the web site for more information.


If you are unable to attend the Walk, please pray with us and/or follow the events of the Walk on EWTN television or on Immaculate Heart Radio (AM 1620 or online).