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March 12th Meeting Cancelled


Supreme is highly recommending Knights of Columbus councils nationwide cancel in-person business meetings, dinners, and social events in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. To comply with this guidance and do our part to fight the spread of the virus, our council will be cancelling our regularly scheduled business meeting tomorrow, March 12th. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 916-724-9354. I pray all of you stay healthy, maintain faith in the Lord, and fear not.

Very Respectfully,

Shane Clark
Grand Knight, Council 953

Irish Night is cancelled


I’m sorry to inform you that Irish Night is officially cancelled. Supreme – our national Knights of Columbus leadership – sent out guidance today strongly recommending all councils discontinue public gatherings in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. We were looking forward to seeing all of you this Saturday, but out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of all our guests, families, friends, and brother Knights, we will be cancelling this event. We pray all of you stay healthy and for a speedy resolution to this public health crisis.


Shane Clark
Grand Knight, Council 953

Annual Christmas Potluck

Council 953’s annual Christmas potluck will be held on Thursday, December 12th. This year’s event is being held jointly with Bishop Manogue Assembly 50. The doors open at 5:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30. Council 953 and Assembly 50 will be providing turkey, ham, scalloped potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share, preferably salad, vegetables, or dessert. Be sure to bring the kids, as a special guest may be stopping by to visit! For more information, or to RSVP, please visit the following link:

Grand Knight’s Message NOVEMber 2019

Worthy Brothers,

Our 54th annual “Oktoberfest” was a spectacular success! Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time listening to live German music while eating delicious brats and drinking Deutsch beer. The dinner was a great fundraiser to help continue running our council operations. On behalf of the whole council, I extend our gratitude to Brothers Tom Nulk and Steve Mills for running such a fun and successful dinner – Thank You!

By the time this Newsletter is published, we will have already held the Giant Shrimp Dinner on Saturday, November 9th. We pray for Brother Al Piccardo and everyone volunteering to help make this dinner a success as well. On November 3rd a beautiful Memorial Mass was held in honor of Past State Deputy Dick Cutting and our other fellow Brother Knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord over the past year. The event was held at Saint George and was coordinated by Brothers Fred & Adam Struck. Thank you to all who attended and thank you to the Struck family for ensuring this solemn and sacred Memorial Mass was celebrated. On the volunteer front, Brother Knights from Council 953 rolled up their sleeves to work on a painting project for St Mary’s Rectory. We also volunteered for two build days for Habitat for Humanity. We helped prepare the pouring of the foundation for the Build for Unity project and also did work on another Habitat rehab project. Over the two days our Knights volunteered 30 hours to help increase the stock of affordable homes and fight the California housing crisis! Our Brother Knights also spent several hours praying on the sidewalks outside of local abortion clinics during the 40 Days for Life Campaign. Statewide, our combined efforts helped change the hearts of many mothers resulting in the rescue of 454 babies’ lives – Thanks be to God!

On November 23rd a special Knights of Columbus Retreat is being held at Christ the King Retreat Center. All brother Knights and their spouses are invited for this one-day reflection. See the flyer in this Knight Letter for more details and please consider joining Knights from our Council and other councils around Northern California for this day of spiritual contemplation. Finally, please mark your calendars for December 12th. We’ll be holding our annual Christmas Party at the Hall. Hope to see you all there!

Thank You,
Shane Clark
Grand Knight, Council 953

A day retreat for the Knights and their Spouses

Cultivating Peace, Embracing Wonder Words of Reassurance in a Time of Darkness Father McGivney took seriously the command of Jesus to “read the signs of the times,” as many 19th century Catholics were struggling to assimilate into the American economy. Today we, too, respond as Father McGivney did, attentive to Sacred Scripture, and to the longings of our hearts.
Presented by Fr.Jack Conley CP.

Date: November 23rd, 2019
Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm
*Includes Lunch

Personal time, Mass and Refreshments

Fee: $40

Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center
6520 Van Maren Lane, Citrus Heights, CA 95621

For More Information
CLICK HERE To Register!

Habitat for Humanity Unity Build

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Habitat for Humanity Unity Build on Saturday, November 2nd. Everyone had a great time working together to help build a home for a needy family. If you missed this opportunity, don’t worry. We’ll be organizing another opportunity to work with Habitat in the new year.