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Tootsee Roll Drive at Sacred Heart Parish

Council 953 was able to hold a tootsee roll drive to benefit local ID guests at the Sunday Masses at Sacred Heart Church in Sacramento.  Through the efforts of the volunteers, we collected $330.00.  By combining this collection with the funds collected at St. Mary’s Church allowed the Council to exceed its goal of $1,000 for this program.  The 953 Knights participating were Fran Mugartegui, Zac Rivera and young Bill James along with chair Dick Cutting PSD.  The event was assisted by volunteer Chuck Parsons from a neighboring Council; Don Baumgartner a parishioner and Dick’s two grandchildren Annie and Steve.  We thank them all for their generous help.

Dick Cutting PSD

Grand Knight’s Message November 2011

To My Brother Knights & Their Families,

Our third principle of the Knights of Columbus is Fraternity.
Defined as a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, a quality or state of being brothers. This truly shows with our events/ fundraisers. We come together to aide our fellow brothers in the events being chaired, and that directly impacts our council’s ability to help others.

Council #953 is a model example of all our principles. We stand together as an organization, unified to help those in need. This last Oktoberfest is but one example of our principles in action. Not only did we share a great dinner and raise money to help others, we brought friends and families together to share lasting memories. We helped a long time Knight attend this event. Which is something he could not do alone, given his circumstances.

Our next events are around the corner. A memorial mass at St. Mary’s church on 11/6 following the 8 a.m. mass. Our Giant shrimp feed on 11/19 and our first ever e-waste drive on 12/17. There’s plenty of time to sign up & help or simply pass the word to someone who can.

We are a fraternal group of catholic gentlemen. Our common purpose is doing God’s work. We give in every sense of the word. We are all examples of our principles. We are, Knights of Columbus.

“St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.”
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight, Council 953

Knight of the Month September 2011

Knight og the Month September 2011We are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Terry Corcoran was elected as the Knight of the Month for the month of September 2011. Quite frankly brothers, we couldn’t operate with out the many unselfish efforts of Terry. Firstly, he is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. Secondly he is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. Speaking of his help, I can’t think of one council event he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. Lately he has been filling in at the bar for the council and 4th degree. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale which last year donated over $1,100 to local Catholic charities and I understand he has another fund raiser up his sleeve towards the end of this year??

Brothers lets give a hand of thanks to Terry! May he be with us for a long, long time, he is much appreciated.

Grand Knight’s Message October 2011

To My Brother Knights & Their Families,

Unity has a definition of – Harmony or agreement between people or groups. As Knights of Columbus we are in agreement to stand with our Church and defend her teachings. We are a practical group of catholic gentlemen. We help those in need, volunteer at our Churches & are shining examples for the younger generations.  We are unified in our beliefs & this can be seen through our love & practice of our faith.

We are unified in our actions. We witness publicly & privately during 40 days for life. We Pray everyday for God’s will to be done. We help each other by lending an ear to a friend experiencing a difficult situation, visiting a family member & Bother Knight unable to leave their homes  or  by attending/volunteering at a K of C event.

Such events happen through out the year with new ones being added. This month (in addition to 2 tootsie roll drives at both Sacred Heart & St. Mary’s)  we will be speaking at St. Andrews Sunday October 23rd to talk about our organization & recruit potential new Knights.  We also have our Octoberfest on the 29th at the hall. These are just some of the opportunities we have to show our unity & support not only for the Knights of Columbus, but our Church as well. The more members our council has, the more prevalent God’s work becomes.

“St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.”
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight, Council 953

Knight of the Month August 2011

Knight of the Month August 2011Brothers, we are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Mike Murphy, was elected as the Knight of the Month for the month of August 2011..

Mike Murphy is one of our newer, most active members. He joined our council just over 3 months ago, but that does not diminish his contributions to our council. This Knight helped bar-tend the shrimp feed, crab feed and Oktoberfest, ALL before he became a Knight. He’s attended most every meeting and he’s been very active at our Councils functions. You may have seen him volunteer at St. Mary’s zippy bun booth or at the St. Stephens family feast. We’ve also enjoyed a couple of dinners that he and a few other knights made for us. He has also signed up to help at our next event, the chili 4 life cook off on October 1st. To my recollection, he’s never turned us down when we asked him to help. He holds a bright future with this council and it’s with great pride that is month’s “Knight of the Month” is Mike Murphy.

Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 953 wishing Brother Mike Murphy, MANY-MANY HAPPY YEARS!