Grand Knight’s Message October 2011

To My Brother Knights & Their Families,

Unity has a definition of – Harmony or agreement between people or groups. As Knights of Columbus we are in agreement to stand with our Church and defend her teachings. We are a practical group of catholic gentlemen. We help those in need, volunteer at our Churches & are shining examples for the younger generations.  We are unified in our beliefs & this can be seen through our love & practice of our faith.

We are unified in our actions. We witness publicly & privately during 40 days for life. We Pray everyday for God’s will to be done. We help each other by lending an ear to a friend experiencing a difficult situation, visiting a family member & Bother Knight unable to leave their homes  or  by attending/volunteering at a K of C event.

Such events happen through out the year with new ones being added. This month (in addition to 2 tootsie roll drives at both Sacred Heart & St. Mary’s)  we will be speaking at St. Andrews Sunday October 23rd to talk about our organization & recruit potential new Knights.  We also have our Octoberfest on the 29th at the hall. These are just some of the opportunities we have to show our unity & support not only for the Knights of Columbus, but our Church as well. The more members our council has, the more prevalent God’s work becomes.

“St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.”
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight, Council 953