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long-term care insurance

As Thanksgiving approaches at the end of the month, I like to take stock of all the things I’m thankful for. It’s easy to say family and friends, those are blessings; and we sometimes take them for granted…but how about the little things in life. It might be that smile you get from person who hands you your cup of coffee in the morning, it may be relishing the crisp air on an autumn day. It may be a simple stroll in the park marveling at God’s nature abounding. Maybe the joy of helping an older neighbor with a chore. All little things to be thankful for.

When I think about helping older neighbors I often wonder just how many members have taken advantage of help that they might need as they age. Some won’t be able to do the simple activities of daily living. They’ll need assistance, and with our mobile society may not have a relative nearby to help. That’s where our Knights of Columbus Long Term Care Insurance plan might help.

Many people don’t know how a long-term care insurance policy helps cover the costs of care when the policy holder has a chronic medical condition, a disability or a disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease. You can receive care in your home, a nursing home, an assisted living facility, or an adult day care center.

LTC insurance helps protect all those assets you’ve worked so hard for over the years: your house, IRAs, savings, investments. They could all be wiped out with even a short stay in a nursing home. The website: says that Home Health Care costs about $22/hour, Assisted Living Facilities about $4,245 per month and Nursing Home $85,000 per year. More expensive areas of the country are more than that. Without LTC insurance many families would face a serious financial crisis.

Most people aren’t eager to talk about long term care; but it’s important to have a plan. Many people want to wait until they are in their 60s or 70s before they start to consider long term care. But at younger ages it’s more likely you can qualify…and the price is less expensive when you’re younger.

I can help design a plan to fit your needs…and your budget. With that you can have peace of mind that you will get the care you need, when you need and where you want it.

Let’s talk and see how you can protect your assets.

Vivat Jesus!
Greg Bronson, FICF, FSCP
(530) 503-7473

Annual Memorial Mass

Council 953’s annual Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 3 at St. George Melkite‐Greek Catholic Parish, 1620 Bell Street. The Divine Liturgy (Mass) will begin at 10:30 am, followed immediately by the traditional Byzantine Catholic memorial service in honor of our Brother Knights who fell asleep in the Lord during this past year:

  • SK Richard Cutting
  • Tony Indrieri
  • Gustavo Aguirre
  • Albert Haedinger
  • Roy Tinder
  • Rev. SK Theodore Wroblicki.

All Brother Knights and their families are encouraged to attend. Coffee and refreshments will follow in the parish hall.

Grand Knight’s Message October 2019

Worthy Brothers,

The council is pleased to announce that our September Mexican Night dinner was a resounding success. The event helped raise $1,640 for Clara’s House to aid in their mission of providing basic health care services to the under insured in Sacramento. This year featured a live mariachi singer, Veronica Esparza, who provided wonderful live entertainment along with the traditional piñata for the kids. Thank you to all the brother Knights who volunteered to help make this night possible with a special thanks to Brother Greg Wolfe for chairing this event. Make sure to mark your calendars for our fun-filled German Night on Saturday, October 26th. We will have live German music to accompany the brats and beer! Additionally, our council is helping the Newman Center with their Tri-Tip fundraising dinner on October 19th. Attending this dinner is a great way to help support our neighbors across the street.

As detailed in last month’s Knight Letter, the St Mary Parish rectory has been painted with the exception of 3 metal screen doors. We need a few volunteers to help complete this project. The planned work day is October 14th. If you would like to spend a couple hours of your Columbus Day morning volunteering to serve the church, please e-mail me at Let’s continue to put our faith in action by helping to serve our communities and parishes together as Brother Knights. Our next Habitat for Humanity Build for Unity project will be November 2nd at 5125 Stoner Drive Sacramento, CA 95820. Please e-mail me if you would like to volunteer to help build a home for a deserving family and help fight the California affordable housing crisis.

We also have a great opportunity to participate in a Knights of Columbus retreat on Saturday, November 23rd. Come join your brother Knights from Council 953 and across Northern California for this one day reflection at Christ the King Retreat Center. Our Faith Director, PGK Fred Struck, will be sending out more information in the coming weeks. Finally, the council is planning to open the hall for our brother Knights to watch the World Series on the new TV’s that have been installed above the bar. Stay tuned for more details, but we hope to see you there!

Thank You,
Shane Clark
Grand Knight, Council 953

Mexican Night! Sept 21st

Please join Knights of Columbus Council 953 for our Mexican Night benefit dinner for Clara’s House. Enjoy a night of fun with family & friends savoring delicious carnitas & guacamole along with your favorite Mexican beer or margarita. 100% of the profits from the dinner will be donated to Clara’s House – a local Sacramento nonprofit providing primary healthcare to the poor, homeless, and uninsured. Great Mexican food for a great cause!

Tickets are $25 a person
Hurry and make your reservations as we will have limited seating for this event.

Social Hour 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
5961 Newman Court
Sacramento, CA 95819

Social Hour 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
5961 Newman Court
Sacramento, CA 95819

For reservations please call Greg Wolfe at (916) 457-7329 or See event flyer for more details:

Event Flyer

Tri-tip Dinner – Aug 10th

Dinner Prepared by Alan Piccardo

  • Tri-tip
  • Antipasto Plate
  • Salad
  • Bread & Butter
  • Italian Style Green Beans
  • Pasta Marinara
  • Spumoni & Cookie

Dinner wine on Table

Tickets are $25 a person
Hurry and make your reservations as we will have limited seating for this event.

Social Hour 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
5961 Newman Court
Sacramento, CA 95819

For reservations please call (916) 439-7664 and leave a message including name & phone number in case we have to contact you & the number of attendees.

Event Flyer

Build for Unity ground breaking ceremony

Last Columbian Year, Knights of Columbus Council 953 raised over $1,000 for Habitat for Humanity’s Build for Unity project. Council 953 is now an official faith partner helping to build this home alongside many of Sacramento’s varied faith communities. Council 953 members are invited to attend the ground breaking ceremony at 8:00 am Thursday, July 11th, at 5125 Stoner Drive Sacramento, CA 95820