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Help Still Needed for Mexican Night

Council 953’s second annual Mexican Night is just around the corner. Again, this is our fundraiser to support Cristo Rey High School and Newman Center students. We are still in need of raffle prizes for both of these dinners, and we are asking for volunteers to either donate items or solicit prizes from local businesses. These can be anything from gift baskets to bottles of wine to gift certificates. Some of the items already donated include beer from Hoppy Brewery, bottles of wine, and gift certificates to such restaurants as Leatherby’s Ice Cream, 33rd Street Bistro, and Evan’s Kitchen.

Additionally, help is certainly needed in both spreading the word among our parishes and friends and helping out the day of the event. For additional information, please contact Greg Wolfe at 457-7329.

Grand Knight’s Message, August 2015

Worthy Brother Knights and Knight Families:

Hopefully all of you had a nice cool summer, taking the family on summer vacations, or just hanging out at home, enjoying the kids’ time off from school. While we are fortunate to engage in these wonderful pastimes and family activities, as Catholics we are reminded never to forget those suffering, less fortunate, or the vulnerable members of our community. It is with this vigilance that we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, shelter those who need it, stop suffering where we see it, and give love to those who need it.

We join the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in prayer for those “who are being persecuted, exiled, killed, decapitated for the sole reason that they are Christian.” Indeed, Pope Francis professed that “They are our martyrs of today, and they are so many, we could say that they are more numerous than in the early centuries.” (; Charity in the Land of New Martyrs, Christians displaced in the face of religious persecution receive aid through the Order’s Christian Refugee Relief Fund, 6/1/15, by Andrew J. Matt.)

The number of Christians being killed for their faith varies. According to data cited in our Supreme website, “Christians killed every day on the basis of religious hatred [are] at twenty, almost one per hour.” (Ibid.)

“In order to escape persecution, many Christians have left areas where they have played a vibrant role in social, political and cultural life for centuries. Worldwide, the number of people forced from their homes has surged past 50 million for the first time since World War II, according to a June 2014 report of the U.N. Refugee Agency. Before the Iraq War in 2003, Christians in Iraq numbered approximately 1 million out of a population of 25 million. In September 2014, an estimated 300,000 Christians remained in the country. In the ancient city of Mosul, where some 60,000 Christians lived prior to 2003, today there are none.” (Ibid.)

“Likewise, the combined effects of five years of civil war in Syria and the Islamic State onslaught there have been devastating. The war alone has left 220,000 people killed, 7.6 million internally displaced, and 3.9 million refugees. Whereas Christians used to make up 10 percent of Syria’s 22 million people prior to the war, Islamic State militants have ensured that large swaths of the country have now become ‘Christian-free zones.’ In Aleppo, recently dubbed ‘the martyr city’ by Pope Francis, Christians fear that they could suffer the same fate as Mosul.” (Ibid.)

In the face of this heartbreaking and terrifying reality that our fellow Christians find themselves in, many of us might ask the simple question . . . why? Since 9/11, we find ourselves in the depths of the battle of ideas and for the hearts of humanity. Islamic extremism challenges our temperaments, tugs at our fears, and baits our impetuousness for violence. While we enjoy a society founded on enlightenment principles like free speech and freedom of religion based on a secular government (of no state sponsored organized religion), ISIS and like-minded individuals would have a society rooted in theocratic principles. As such, enlightenment principles for Islamic extremism is, in their view, heretical in nature. Thus, it is their duty to exterminate such communities from the Earth. (See World Order, Kissinger, H., Penguin Press, 2014, Ch. 3.)

With that said, the Supreme Council of our Order has created the “Christians At Risk” program, which provides relief to persecuted Christians in the war torn Middle East. You can find more information at The website contains more information for those who wish to help.

Brothers, let us keep our fellow Christians in the Middle East in our hearts and minds. In continuing with our works of mercy as Knights of Columbus, we pray that “ . . . Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; . . . where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. . . .” (Prayer of St. Francis.)

Lewis Munoz
Grand Knight, Council 953

Volunteers Needed for Zippy Bun Booth

St. Mary’s Parish will be holding its 84th annual festival on Sunday, August, 16, 2015 and as usual, the festival’s Zippy Bun Booth will be set up and run by members of the council. (For newer members not familiar with a zippy bun sandwich, it’s nothing more than a pile of roast beef between two bun halves dripping with aus jus and is one of the most popular food items at the festival.) We’re still in need of a few volunteers to man some of the two hour shifts as well assisting in setting up on Saturday morning and the take down after the festival
closes at 7pm.

If you can help at the booth, please contact Terry Corcoran at 916-224-7786 or

Saints and Sinners Golf Tournament

We are planning to resurrect the annual Saints and Sinners Golf Tournament during this Columbian Year. We are in need of a Brother Knight to chair this event. If you can help, or for additional information, please contact GK Lewis Munoz at 616-2051 or SK Dale Edwards at 359-2412.

Help Needed for Upcoming Dinners

The various service programs our council carries out would not be possible without the many fundraising dinners held throughout the year. A portion of the funds raised at any given dinner comes from the raffle that follows. Virtually all of the raffle prizes are donated by either members of the council or various local businesses.

Over the next several weeks, Council 953 will host two fundraising dinners: The Tri Tip Dinner on Saturday, August 29, and Mexican Night on Saturday, September 19. We are in need of raffle prizes for both of these dinners, and we are asking for volunteers to either donate items or solicit prizes from local businesses. These can be anything from gift baskets to bottles of wine to gift certificates.

Please help us make these dinners successful. For additional information, please contact GK Lewis Munoz.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

Grand Knight’s Message, July 2015

Dearest Brother Knights and Knight Families,

It is my honor to have taken over the reins as Grand Knight of Sacramento Council 953 for this next Columbian Year. I thank you all for your trust in my leadership and I promise to do my best.

I would like to share with you my view of the role of the Knights of Columbus in our community. We start with Lord, “make me an instrument of your peace . . .” These words taken from the prayer of St. Francis appear at first glance so simplistic that often times we miss its true meaning. But, when we think of the Knights of Columbus, these words come to life in the works of mercy that we put into practice. For example, when one looks to our programs and charities, they are reflective in Corporal Works of Mercy (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, bury the dead). Likewise, when one looks at Spiritual Works of Mercy (instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish the sinners, bear wrongs patiently, forgive the offenses willingly, comfort the afflicted, pray for the living and the dead), we think of our rosary prayers, our memorial masses, our Lenten sacrifices, and our youth and our commitment to their Catholic education. We do these works because we believe in the Church’s mission and in Christ’s message of love to all humanity.

With that said and in continuing to carrying out these Works of Mercy and the Church’s mission, it is truly imperative that we are strong in numbers. Therefore, one of our biggest goals will be recruitment this Columbian Year. As such, you will be blessed with a shoulder tap and an invitation to help with our recruitment efforts in this endeavor. Additionally, we hope to resurrect our fallen Saints & Sinners Golf Tournament for Spring 2016.

So, my Worthy Brothers, I look forward to seeing you at our meetings, at our fundraising dinners, and of course, I look forward to seeing all of us roll up our sleeves and get the hard and rewarding work done in making it another successful Columbian Year.

Vivat Jesus!
Lewis Muñoz
Grand Knight, Council 953