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Grand Knight’s Message, April 2015

Brother Knights,

We made it! Well at least that is how I feel. The first 9 months of the Columbian year was a non-stop series of events, all focused on providing charity to those in need, while practicing the principles of unity, fraternity, and patriotism. I am grateful for all those who volunteered and/or participated. Yet, we still have a few opportunities to practice our values before the Columbian Year is complete. This includes a 1st degree (Fraternity), our annual yard sale (Charity), and our PGK / Old Timers Dinner (Unity). I want to thank those who have decided to join the 4th degree (Patriotism) and look forward to seeing you at the exemplification on the 18th of this month.

As we enter into the sacred Triduum, I wish you and your families a Blessed Easter.

Christos Anesti!
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953

40 Cans for Lent

All Brothers are reminded to please bring their donations to the 40 Cans for Lent program to the April business meeting. As a reminder, the proceeds will first be used to assist any of our Brother Knights and their families who are in need. The remainder will be donated to the food closet at the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.

Council Accepting E-Waste Donations

The council is accepting donations of e-waste and scrap metal on a continuous basis. E-waste is any electronic or battery-powered device, including computers, printers, cell phones, and household appliances (except refrigerators). These devices are recycled in exchange for dollars that are used to fund improvements to the hall. E-waste donations may be brought to the council hall or, in some cases, can be picked up from your home or place of business.

For more information, please contact Terry Corcoran at 224-7786.

Hall Board News

The Hall Board is looking for another member or two to serve on Hall Board. For information on the position call David Carboni at (916) 455-2711 or Steve Mills at (916) 599-8522. Also if anyone has an old working printer they want to get rid of (needs to scan and copy) the Hall office is in dire need.

Call Steve at (916) 599-8522.

Annual Garage Sale

The annual garage sale to benefit local charities is coming up on Saturday and Sunday April 25th and 26th at the council hall. The sale will be open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Sunday. Donations of saleable items are greatly appreciated. Also, a few Brother Knights are needed to assist with setup and cleanup as well as to help out during the sale itself.

Please contact Terry Corcoran at 224-7786 for additional information.

Grand Knight’s Message, March 2015

Brother Knights,

As we start our sojourn, let us not forget Lent’s three tenants of fasting, alms giving, and prayer. As Knights, we place these key concepts in action. Our recent fund raising activities help provide “alms” to those who are in need and support the most vulnerable in society. Our “prayer” on the sidewalk provides faithful witness to Life. Our individual “fasting” helps subjugates the selfish to allowing the selfless to emerge. Over the next two months, there will be additional opportunities to place the key principles of Lent and those of our order into action.

Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953