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Grand Knight’s Message, November 2014

Brother Knights:

Where has the time gone? It just seems like yesterday that I and my Brother Officers were sworn in at the PGK / Old Timers dinner. Alas, November 2nd, All Souls Day, brings our departed family, friends, and brothers to mind. At the memorial service today, the names of the recently departed were read. As I type this, I recognize that one day, my own time on this earth will end and my name recited. Did I heed the call found within the 1st degree? Did I do enough to warrant the words “good and trusting servant, share in your masters joy?” I know there are many ways one can contribute, but we should feel blessed that our humble little council, regardless of its own peculiarities, gives us the opportunity to participate and make another’s life a bit more bearable. I look forward to those opportunities in the coming months and know that they do in fact make a difference.

Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953

German Night

[flagallery gid=7]This year’s annual German Night was once again a great success. As always, Tom Nulk did a fantastic job organizing this event and making an enjoyable evening for all who attended. Many thanks to Tom and all who those who helped him. We are pleased to report that over $1,600 was raised!

Memorial Mass

On Sunday November 2, members of Council 953 gathered for the council’s annual Memorial Mass at St. George Parish to pray for the repose of our Brothers who fell asleep in the Lord this year. Past 953 chaplain Fr. Brendan McAnerney, pastor of St. George, presided over the Melkite Catholic liturgy and memorial service that followed. Special thanks to both Fr. Brendan and PGK Fred Struck for organizing the memorial.

May the Lord grant eternal rest to our Brothers Norbert Owens, Gordon Machado, Kevin Simpson, Tomasso Didonato, Frank O’Connell, Germanus France, and Florentino Bersola.

Christmas Yard Sale

A Christmas yard sale will be held at the council hall on Friday, November 28 and Saturday, November 29 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The proceeds will go toward the cost of repairing the hall’s back parking lot. Your donations of saleable items are needed and will be accepted until the days of the sale. Donations may be dropped off at the hall (back parking lot next to the garage), or you may call Terry Corcoran at 224-7786 to discuss possible pick up. Additionally, volunteers are needed to help during the sale.

Please call Terry if you are able to help.

Council Makes Donation to Boles Fire Victims

On September 15, the Boles Fire swept through the town of Weed in Siskiyou County and destroyed Holy Family Church and the adjacent St. Michael’s Community Hall, where Mount Shasta Council 2599 is based. Both the parish community and Council 2599 lost everything in the fire. In response to a request for assistance from the Northern California Chapter, Council 953 made a donation of $250 to the relief efforts at the October Business meeting.

Please continue to pray for the Holy Family Community and our Brothers at Council 2599.

Memorial Mass

The annual Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 2 at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Parish, 1620 Bell Street. The Divine Liturgy (Mass) will begin at 10:30 am, followed immediately by the traditional Byzantine Catholic memorial service in honor of our deceased Brother Knights. All Brothers who attend are invited to join the parish community for refreshments in the parish hall immediately following the memorial service.