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Grand Knight’s Message, April 2014

To My Brother Knights and Their Families:

Many thanks to PGK Dale Edwards and everyone else who helped out on this year’s Irish Night. It was a successful event. Please see Dale’s article for further information.

At our March Business meeting we voted unanimously to pass the resolution to donate $1,500 from our Memorial Fund to help support a special retreat of members from the Newman Catholic Community, who will remember our deceased members in their prayers. In future years we anticipate having a special fund raiser to raise money to help support the Newman Catholic Community’s retreat. More than half of the new members to our council this year have come from the Newman Catholic Community.

As mentioned last month our council is conducting a Lenten food drive. I’m asking that each council member donate one can of food per day for the forty days of lent. If you can’t donate 40 cans of food, please donate what you can. If you don’t want to donate cans you can also donate cash or gift cards from a grocery store. We will collect your donations at our business meeting on April 10th. Please let me know about any of our council members who are in need. We will help our brother knights and their families first. The remainder will be given to local food banks.

Our annual Garage Sale for Charity is coming up on Saturday and Sunday, April 26th and 27th. Several Brother Knights are needed to help set up for the sale on Friday, April 25th as well as to help during the Garage Sale and cleanup on Sunday. Please contact Terry Corcoran or Steve Mills if you are able to help.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight, Council 953

Irish Knight Wrap-Up

The annual Irish Night dinner was very successful again this year. We had approximately 100 guests enjoying what everyone said was a delicious meal of corned beef and cabbage, thanks to the good work in the kitchen by David Carboni with help from Steve Mills and Terry Corcoran. The sing along with Bridget Brennan went well as usual with most trying to keep up with the rapid fire lyrics of the fun Irish tunes. Thanks to all who helped make the event successful again this year, both my fellow Knights and all the guests who keep coming each year.
Dale Edwards
Irish Night Chairperson

Donation Given to Stanford Settlement

PGK Dale Edwards presented the check to Sister Jeanne on the Council's behalf.
PGK Dale Edwards presented the check to Sister Jeanne on the Council’s behalf.

At our March 13 business meeting, Council 953 unanimously voted to support the mission of the Stanford Settlement by donating $500 to this worthy charity. The Stanford Settlement, run by Sister Jeanne Felion, provides among other things an after school youth program, a senior social program, and Christmas food boxes to those in need in the disadvantaged Gardenland neighborhood in North Sacramento. On March 18,

PGK Dale Edwards

Knight of the Month – March 2014

GK Fred Struck presents the Knight of the Month for March 2014 certificate to Matt Lucien
GK Fred Struck presents the Knight of the Month for March 2014 certificate to Matt Lucien

At just about every council function he is there helping. He is a member of the First Degree team and second degree team. He is a Past Grand Knight and a Past District Deputy for 4 terms. He is currently 2nd year Trustee and our Council Director. For the past 10 years he has organized and cooked for Ladies’ Night. For all he has done for our council, Matt Lucien has been chosen as Knight of the Month for March.

Grand Knight’s Message, March 2014

To My Brother Knights and Their Families:
We had 2 big events last month. Ladies Night gave us the opportunity to treat the special women in our lives to a fun filled evening. Thanks to PGK Matt Lucien and his crew who did a fantastic job as usual. I was in North Carolina for a few weeks and was unable to attend, but my wife Mary went to Ladies’ Night and commented how good the food was.

This year’s Pasta Dinner was held on February 27. Thanks to all who helped put on the dinner especially PGK Ricardo Saldaña for organizing the dinner and Johnny Waldron & his cooks. The Life Center staff is so very grateful for everyone’s hard work on this fundraiser. The dinner was delicious, the food was plentiful, the raffle was so much fun, but the best part was seeing so many people come together who support the work that the Sacramento Life Center and Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home are doing. Further information on both these events will be provided later.
This year’s Irish Night will be held on Thursday March 20. For reservations or to volunteer to help out please call PGK Dale Edwards at: (916) 359-2412 or leave a message on the hall phone at 916-736-0953.

A few months ago our council agreed to donate 2 wheel chairs to the Knights of Columbus Wheel Chair Program. Many thanks to our Worthy District Deputy Don Snow who donated an additional wheel chair in our council’s name.
Lent is about to begin. This is a time of the year where we make a special effort to fast, pray and to provide charitable works. Our council is going to conduct a food drive this year. I’m asking that each council member donate one can of food per day for the forty days of lent. If you can’t donate 40 cans of food, please donate what you can. We will setup a box in the hall to collect your donations . Please let me know about any of our council members who are in need. We will help our brother knights and their families first. The remainder will be given to local food banks.
Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight, Council 953