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New Officers Elected for our Council

Congratulations to the new officers for our Council who were elected at our June meeting.

  • Grand Knight, Fred Struck
  • Deputy Grand Knight, John Sheldon
  • Chancellor, Lewis Munoz
  • Warden, Andy Thielen
  • Recorder, Bryan McKrell
  • Treasurer, Dale Edwards
  • Advocate, Richard Cuttng
  • Inside Guard, Robert Perez
  • Outside Guard, Hector Garcia
  • Trustees – 3 year, Ricardo Saldana , 2 year, Matthew Lucien, 1 year Joe Miceli

Officers for 2013-2914

Grand Knight’s Message, June 2013

To my brother knights & their families,

These last two years have been truly a blessing. I would like to thank God and each & everyone of you for your support & dedication to our great council. In these last two years we have grown in fellowship in various ways, from helping feed the hungry- to successfully converting the chili cook off into a pasta 4 life event, from establishing a family night- to increasing our attendance at our general meetings. We even had two resolutions pass this year at the state convention and (baring some miracle) fell a few new knights short of making star council. These things could have not been possible had it not been for our fantastic group of officers, directors & trustees.

These men we call knights give up their Thursday evenings. This includes time away from their loved ones and/or work & sometimes even weekends. They do this so that our council can be properly represented at events & make decisions that keep it running smoothly. It’s these knights whom I have grown with as a spiritual man, a brother & a knight. To each of you I say thank you. It’s seeing your daily dedication that helped inspire me to do the best job I could. Our council is in good hands for many years to come.

To our incoming Grand Knight Fred Struck and his slate of officers…I have no doubt that you will lead our council with great resolve for many years to come. I encourage you to lean on your seasoned brothers knights, your PGK’s, your District Deputy/FDD’s & Past State Deputy, It’s their wisdom & experience that keep 953 the pinnacle of all northern California councils. It’s this rich history and wealth of experience that makes decision making both challenging & easy.

Lastly I’d like to thank my wife Monica Saldaña & my children Winter, Reign, Sunday & Navy. You’re patience with daddy’s hectic schedule has been appreciated. You’re the reason I wake up everyday & try to make this world a better place for us all!

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Ricardo Saldaña
Grand Knight council 953 -at least for a couple more weeks 🙂

PGK & Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

PGK & Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

On Thursday, June 20, 2013, the council will be holding a combined installation of our officers for the upcoming Columbian year and our annual PGK and Old Timers Dinner. This is the event where we honor our outgoing Grand Knight, Ricardo Saldana, welcome our incoming GK and install our new officers.  We also honor our Past Grand Knights and those of our long time members who have achieved milestones of service in the Knights of Columbus.

6:00 PM No host social hour.
6:30 PM Installation of officers.
7:00 PM Dinner followed by awarding of service certificates.

Dinner will be prepared by our Master Chefs, Dave Carboni and Terry Corcoran.

The menu will include:

  • Grilled  Steak,
  • Pasta,
  • Salad Carboni
  • Bread
  • Ice cream and Cookies

Cost is $10.00 per person
Please call the hall at 916-736-0953 for reservations.


Officers nominated by the committee for 2013-2014 Columbian year

The slate of officers that follows are nominated by the committee and will be voted on at the June Business Meeting.

Grand Knight, Fred Struck
Deputy Grand Knight, John Sheldon
Chancellor, Lewis Munoz
Warden, Andy Thielen
Recorder, Bryan McKrell
Treasurer, Dale Edwards
Advocate, Richard Cuttng
Inside Guard, Robert Perez
Outside Guard, Hector Garcia
Trustees – 3 year, Ricardo Saldana , 2 year, Matthew Lucien, 1 year Joe Miceli

Nominations may be accepted from the floor provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.

Grand Knight’s Message, May 2013

To my worthy brother knights and their families:

This isn’t my last message as Grand Knight, but I thought I would break it up into two letters.
As we approach the end of our Columbian year, we have made many strides as a council. I personally would like to thank all our officers, directors, and trustees for their countless hours of dedication, cooperation and wisdom. These last two years have flown by and we couldn’t have been this successful without all of you.
These last two years have filled me with a passion to continue our Lords work. That is truly how I feel. Not just because of our generous donations and volunteer hours, but more so by getting to know my fellow Brother Knights. All of you have decided to join the Knights of Columbus, but many of you do not know your brethren. We are fathers, brothers, & sons. We are employed, self employed, unemployed and retirees. The common threads are our faith and brotherhood. We are there for each other in good times and bad. We are there when we need help, advice or simply someone to listen. The bonds I have forged with those around me is cherished, appreciated and loved.

Council 953 is both 10 new brother knights and 5 new insured members away from making star council. Surely we can do this. Call your insurance agent and ask your fellow catholic gentleman to join our council. Star council is an award that has eluded our prestigious council for far too long, with your help we can achieve this honor.

We’d like to thank Terry, Steve, Dave (and all our volunteer’s) for chairing our annual garage sale. And though it was cancelled, we’d like to sincerely  thank Oscar & Andy for their efforts in this years Saints & Sinners golf Tournament.

Thank you
GO! And make a difference

Ricardo Saldaña
Grand Knight council 953

Garage Sale for Charity was a Big Success!

Once again our 6th annual Garage Sale for Charity was a big success! We made over $1000. I never thought it would happen looking over the minimal selection we had this year, but never say die Garage Sale wizard Terry Corcoran pulled it off again! Without Terry’s long hours of work on this project throughout the year it would never happen. Clara’s house Catholic free medical clinic should be happy and proud of Terry again this year! Terry would like to thank the following people, without them NO SALE!……

Big time thanks to his set up crew of Fred Struck and his wife Mary, John Watling and Cindy Leggitt. They stayed so late and it was really appreciated. Thank you David Carboni for your generous donation of polish dogs,soda,chips and doughnuts! Thanks to great stuff donated by George Mills and Kevin Corcoran. Thanks to all the great helpers who included George,Kriske, Rudy Nagel, Bill Renard, Joe Miceli, Dale Edwards and Alex Kachmar. If I forgot anyone i apologize…..Thanks to all again!!!! …..

Steve Mills