Knights of Columbus Council 953 is conducting a children’s coloring contest from the book, “A Knights of Columbus COLORING BOOK.” The contest is open to all children, grandchildren, nieces & nephews of council members ages 3 to 10. The pictures will be judged by those attending the Christmas Potluck. The picture to be colored is attached. Coloring Contest Picture
Prizes of Leatherby’s Ice Cream will be awarded to the best coloring in the following age groups.
• ages 3 & 4
• ages 5 & 6
• ages 7 & 8
• ages 9 & 10
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Tootsie Roll Drive
On October 13th & 14th, the council held its annual Tootsie Roll Drive at St. Mary’s Church to raise funds for the support of intellectually disabled individuals and their families. Council members who volunteered for the drive were Bryan Mckrell, Floyd Wells, Dominic Ielati, Terry Corcoran, Steve Mills, Patrick Bradley, Al Picardo and Darin Hunter. A total of $549.00 was collected. A similar drive was held the following weekend at Sacred Heart Church and was organized by Dick Cutting. A total of $431.00 was collected at that event.
A sincere thanks to all who gave their time to make the combined event as success.
Annual Memorial Service
A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday November 4th immediately following the 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church. All Knights are encouraged to come and pray for our brother Knights who have fallen asleep in the Lord this past year. The Memorial Service just takes a few minutes. Following the Memorial Service there will be coffee hour in the Parish Hall.
Please remember to pray for Brothers Harold Dalske, PGK Howard Mifflin, PGK Tom Lapos, Aldo Lovotti, Vincent Svilich, James McNamara, Larry Hart, Peter Rossi and Richard Engler.
O Christ God, with the saints grant rest to the souls of your servants, in a place where there is no pain, no grief, no sighing, but everlasting life. May their memory be eternal.
St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church is located at 1620 Bell Street, Sacramento
Tootsie Roll Drive
On Saturday and Sunday, October 13th and 14th, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at St. Mary’s Church following all the masses. On Saturday and Sunday, October 20th and 21st, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at Sacred Heart
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the event, this is a fundraiser, the proceeds of which go to local charities which provide support for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Briefly, following each mass, members of the council are stationed outside the doors of the church with a supply of Tootsie Rolls. The Tootsie Rolls are handed out to any member of the congregation who would like one and voluntary donations are collected from those who wish to give. This event has been held at St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart Churches for many years and is well known to and enjoyed by the parishioners.
I am asking for volunteers to participate at one or more of the five masses at St. Mary’s. We ask that, if possible, you leave the church immediately or shortly after receiving communion to allow time to proceed to your assigned door and pick up your apron, donation can and a supply of Tootsie Rolls. Your time spent participating in this event should be no longer than 10-15 minutes after each mass.
Please email or telephone me at (916) 456-4345 if you can help out at this event.
George Mills
Culture of Life Report for October 2012
Since our last pro-life report, SB 623 was unfortunately passed by the Senate and signed into law by Governor Brown. As you’ll recall, SB 623 will continue a pilot program sponsored by Planned Parenthood allowing non-physicians, including midwives, to perform first trimester abortions. Some 8,000 pre-born babies have already been killed under this program, a program which now will claim the lives of even more innocents.
On September 20, KXTV News 10 reported on Holy Family Catholic Church in Citrus Heights. The news story concerned a large sign on the front lawn that reads: “Don’t support abortion with your vote. Vote pro-life!” Despite allegations to the contrary, the report found that the sign does not violate Holy Family’s tax-exempt status because it does not endorse a candidate, but rather expresses a viewpoint on an issue. The full story may be found here:
Beginning on September 26, the 40 Days for Life campaign is now well underway. We have been blessed already with the conversion of one mother, who told 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers on the sidewalk outside of the abortion business at 1750 Wright Street that she had changed her mind and decided to keep her baby because of them. The abortion business is now closed on Saturdays, which had formerly been one of the killing days. Wynette Sills of 40 Days for Life has asked for prayer volunteers to cover every hour at 1750 Wright Street, from 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday. Volunteers are asked to refrain from bringing their own signs and to please use the signs provided by 40 Days for Life instead. They are also asked to read and sign the Statement of Peace. Bishop Soto has been extremely supportive of 40 Days for Life. For more details, including how to sign-up, please see:
In even more recent news, the California Catholic Conference has issued a statement in support of Proposition 34, the initiative that will end the use of the death penalty in California and replace it with life imprisonment without parole. The statement comes immediately before the observance of October as Respect Life Month in the Catholic Church throughout the United States. By coinciding with the first time that a major political party has removed from its official platform any reference to the Author of life, this year’s forty-first annual Respect Life Month is uniquely poignant.
Fraternally in Christ,
Bill James
Culture of Life Director
K of C Council 953
Zippy Bun Booth
The annual St. Mary’s Parish Festival was held August 19th and, as usual, the council turned out to operate the Zippy Bun Booth. The volunteer turnout was the best I’ve seen in years with all the shifts completely filled. The booth ran out of both bread and beef at about 6:30PM and would have shut down at that point except for the unbridled enthusiasm of Brother Dale Edwards who, in scraping the bottom of the barrel, so to speak, was still churning out zippy buns with what was probably last years aus jus fixin’s. Anyway, the day was a success ( the take is not immediately available, but will be reported as soon as I have it) and I want to gratefully thank all the brothers who pitched in and churned out the sandwiches for hungry customers.
They are: Floyd and Maureen Wells, Dick Cutting, Matt Lucien, Darin Hunter, Rupert Ventenilla, Terry Corcoran, Dale Walton, Dominic Ielati, Bill Sheean, Alex Kachmar, Rudy Nagle, Dale Edwards, Bill Renard, Al Piccardo, Fred Struck and Frank Phillips. Special thanks goes to Fred and Matt who sat around for an extra hour and half Saturday morning waiting for the tables to show up, Darin who took three (!) shifts, Co-chair Terry who was there most of the day until his leg let him down and Dale, Bill Renard and Rudy who stayed after their shift to strike the booth.
And then there’s Brother Dave Carboni who’s in the kitchen at 6:00AM cooking up our aus jus which makes the zippy buns what they are.
If I’ve missed anybody, please let me know and I’ll make sure your names are plastered all over the Knight Letter.
THANKS to all. See you next year.
George Mills
Zippy Bun Booth