Category Archives: Events

Help Still Needed for Mexican Night

Council 953’s second annual Mexican Night is just around the corner. Again, this is our fundraiser to support Cristo Rey High School and Newman Center students. We are still in need of raffle prizes for both of these dinners, and we are asking for volunteers to either donate items or solicit prizes from local businesses. These can be anything from gift baskets to bottles of wine to gift certificates. Some of the items already donated include beer from Hoppy Brewery, bottles of wine, and gift certificates to such restaurants as Leatherby’s Ice Cream, 33rd Street Bistro, and Evan’s Kitchen.

Additionally, help is certainly needed in both spreading the word among our parishes and friends and helping out the day of the event. For additional information, please contact Greg Wolfe at 457-7329.

Volunteers Needed for Zippy Bun Booth

St. Mary’s Parish will be holding its 84th annual festival on Sunday, August, 16, 2015 and as usual, the festival’s Zippy Bun Booth will be set up and run by members of the council. (For newer members not familiar with a zippy bun sandwich, it’s nothing more than a pile of roast beef between two bun halves dripping with aus jus and is one of the most popular food items at the festival.) We’re still in need of a few volunteers to man some of the two hour shifts as well assisting in setting up on Saturday morning and the take down after the festival
closes at 7pm.

If you can help at the booth, please contact Terry Corcoran at 916-224-7786 or

PGK and Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

On Thursday June 25, Council 953 held its annual PGK & Old Timers Dinner and installation of officers for the 2015-16 Columbian Year.

Council 953's newly sworn officers, with District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña.PGK Rudy Nagel is honored for achieving 55 years of service in the Knights of Columbus!







Outgoing Grand Knight John Sheldon receives the PGK pin and a special gift from the council in appreciation of his service.Top Left: Council 953’s newly sworn officers, with District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña. Top Right: PGK Rudy Nagel is honored for achieving 55 years of service in the Knights of Columbus! Left: Outgoing Grand Knight John Sheldon receives the PGK pin and a special gift from the council in appreciation of his service. Bottom Left: Honoring Council 953’s past Grand Knights. Bottom Right: The Struck family, Adam and PGK Fred, are honored as Family of the Year.


The Struck family, Adam and PGK Fred, are honored as Family of the Year.

Honoring Council 953's past Grand Knights.

PGK & Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

On Thursday, June 25, the council will be holding a combined installation of our officers for the upcoming Columbian year and our annual PGK and Old Timers Dinner. This is the event where we honor our outgoing Grand Knight, welcome our incoming GK, and install our new officers. We also honor our Past Grand Knights and those of our long time members who have achieved milestones of service in the Knights of Columbus.

6:00 PM – No host social hour
6:30 PM – Installation of officers
7:00 PM – Dinner

The cost is $10.00 per adult. PGK’s as well as children 12 and under eat for free. Additional information is available on the attached flyer. For reservations, please call Adam Struck at 914-5041 or visit the Council’s web site at

Another Successful Irish Night Dinner

On March 19th, out council held its annual Irish Night dinner. Although not as well attended as in past years, we did take in over $700 to help fund our council’s activities. Thanks go out to the following Brother Knights for their help in setting up and doing the dinner:

• Matt Herman for his outstanding cooking of the traditional corned beef and cabbage,
• Michael Litwin for taking the advance reservations,
• Greg Wolfe for helping set up and decorate the hall and for selling bar and raffle tickets,
• George Mills for helping set up and decorate the hall, for ordering and picking up the soda bread and ice cream, and for providing one of the raffle gifts,
• Dale Edwards for helping set up and decorate the hall, preparing the guest list with table assignments, arranging for Cristo Rey High School student helpers, providing bulletin items for St. Mary and Sacred Heart churches, updating the flyer for inclusion in the Knight Letter, and acquiring one of the raffle prizes,
• GK John Sheldon for being the Master of Ceremonies and providing many cookies as raffle prizes,
• Terry Corcoran for tending bar and clean up,
• Dick Cutting for manning the check in table to collect the money and advise on table assignments, and
• Tom Nulk for also bartending.

Hopefully I did not leave anyone out. This is the first year in many years that I have not taken on a heavier load to make this dinner a success. I am pleased that so many Brother Knights stepped up this year. I also want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Brother David Carboni for all the years that he has been the head cook for the Irish Night dinner. He is still cooking for some occasions, but he needs and deserves a lot more time out of the kitchen.

Thanks to everyone that attended. See you again next year!

Dale Edwards

Youth Activities Update

Our council’s Basketball Free Throw Championship was held at Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s schools in January. Sacred Heart had 86 participants and St. Mary’s had 131 for a total of 217 participants. That is a new record high for our council. As happened last year, the two schools had an equal number of winners for our council – six for each. I will be attending assemblies at each school in the coming weeks to present the trophies to our 12 council winners and certificates to the 12 school winners at each school. I appreciate the help I received this
year in running the contest from Brother Knights Floyd Wells, George Mills and Al Piccardo. The District championship is scheduled for February 14th and the Chapter championship will be on February 21st.

Next on the horizon for Youth Activities will be the review of scholarship candidates for our annual scholarship awards.

Dale Edwards, PGK
Youth Director