This Knight has been a member of our council since 2010. Besides helping out with various functions and events he has worked with the Dioceses on providing funding to four seminarians, including especially Collin Winn, who came to one of our dinners this year. Coordinating with the dioceses was not easy given the recent turn over in the director of vocations. More recently, he has been gathering information on Supreme’s new program for funding seminarians with the Military Arch Diocese. His dedication and efforts have laid the ground work for other Knights to follow.
It is with great pride to announce Robert Perez as Knight of the Month for June 2012!
This Knight is always visible helping out at all the council events. He is Past Grand Knight. He is a member of both the First Degree and the Second Degree Teams. He is currently our Worthy Council Treasurer. He is our Youth Director. As Youth Director he has just recently finished organizing the Free-throw basketball contest, despite the fact that he was hobbled quite a bit by a broken left foot . Also as Youth Director he has worked with Cristo Rey High School which included researching candidates for the Knights of Columbus Scholarships. As a member of the Forth Degree he serves in the Color Guard. He is also the Faithful Captain in the Forth Degree.
It is with great pride to announce Sir Knight Dale Edwards as Knight of the Month April 2012!
We had two Knights of the Month for March, George Mills and Matthew Lucien
George Mills Knight of the Month
This Knight has been described as “very reliable”. He seems to help with almost every events/project that our council is involved in. He has always said yes when asked to help. If you didn’t see him setting up for anyone of our councils events, by getting raffle prizes, or serving your meals, it was probably because he was attending it as a paying guest. He was a huge assistance to Brother Dominic and myself with past Chili Cook-Offs.
He is an RCIA instructor at St. Mary Parish and also organized a Walk for Life bus from said parish. He has served our council for approx 9 years and is a 4th degree Sir Knight and member of our color core.
His past and current designations include past grand knight, Sir Knight, zippy bun chairman, current financial secretary and is a member of our 1st degree team. He has been a huge help as a resource -to me personally during my tenure as Grand Knight. He is non other than Sir Knight George Mills.
Matthew Lucien Knight of the Month
This next Knight is not to be overshadowed by our co- Knight of the month. One Knight said it best by stating that this Brother Knight is “stoutly”. The definition being: having or marked by boldness, bravery, firm and resolute. Solid or substantial. I couldn’t agree more.
Since joining our council back in 2000, This Brother Knight has held many designations with our council PGK, 4 term Former District Deputy, 4th degree Sir Knight, current community director, and is part of our 1st and second degree teams, sometimes- like today DGK stand in.
Some Knights focus their charities or volunteer hours to only their home parish. Not this Knight. In fact, one of the biggest compliments i heard regarding this fellow Knight, is that he has ALWAYS supported multiple parish events and activities, regardless if they’re his home parish or not.
weather it was chairing ladies night for the umpteenth year (i can’t seem get a straight number out of anybody), or working the zippy bun booth, chili cook off, participating in the ID program or Wheelchair program, the list goes on and on.
It is with great pride to announce Sir Knight Matthew Lucien as co- Knights of the Month March 2012!
Steve Mills Presents “Knight of the Month” certificate to Johnny Waldron
It is with great pleasure that council #953 announces co- Knights of the Month for January 2012, Al Piccardo and Johnny Waldron. On behalf of their enormous efforts with major fund raising dinners in both December and January. Al, in the front of the house and John in the kitchen . Both have worked tirelessly in tandem to provide the two best dinners, the Crab Feed and Shrimp Dinner and remarkable fundraising results for our council. These two dinners are the highlight of the calendar year and we at council #953 publicly acknowledge them at this time.
Thank you Al and Johnny for making this such a great council!
We are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Terry Corcoran was elected as the Knight of the Month for the month of September 2011. Quite frankly brothers, we couldn’t operate with out the many unselfish efforts of Terry. Firstly, he is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. Secondly he is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. Speaking of his help, I can’t think of one council event he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. Lately he has been filling in at the bar for the council and 4th degree. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale which last year donated over $1,100 to local Catholic charities and I understand he has another fund raiser up his sleeve towards the end of this year??
Brothers lets give a hand of thanks to Terry! May he be with us for a long, long time, he is much appreciated.
Brothers, we are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Mike Murphy, was elected as the Knight of the Month for the month of August 2011..
Mike Murphy is one of our newer, most active members. He joined our council just over 3 months ago, but that does not diminish his contributions to our council. This Knight helped bar-tend the shrimp feed, crab feed and Oktoberfest, ALL before he became a Knight. He’s attended most every meeting and he’s been very active at our Councils functions. You may have seen him volunteer at St. Mary’s zippy bun booth or at the St. Stephens family feast. We’ve also enjoyed a couple of dinners that he and a few other knights made for us. He has also signed up to help at our next event, the chili 4 life cook off on October 1st. To my recollection, he’s never turned us down when we asked him to help. He holds a bright future with this council and it’s with great pride that is month’s “Knight of the Month” is Mike Murphy.
Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 953 wishing Brother Mike Murphy, MANY-MANY HAPPY YEARS!