Grand Knight’s Message, July 2016

Bryan McKrell Grand KnightMy Brother Knights and Families:

I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and faith in me to navigate this historic Council for the upcoming Columbian year. I am truly honored to serve as the Grand Knight and I intend to work every day to further our message of Charity. If we place Charity at the forefront of our efforts, our mission as Knight’s will take care of itself.

With this in mind I would humbly request that all of my Brother Knights who are not currently active consider coming out and attending one of our upcoming dinners. July 14th will feature one of our best menus, and Brother Matt Lucien has decided to cook one of his gourmet meals for the group. Our annual Tri-Tip dinner will be held at the end of the month and just by attending you will have contributed to our mission of Charity that we all find so worthwhile. If you are not able to attend, simply donating a raffle prize, helping to set up, or even doing something as simple as getting the word out to fellow Brother Knights will further our mission. Collectively, our Council can continue to raise and distribute thousands of dollars for worthwhile charities and all it takes is a small effort from the collective whole to do great things.

As we all continue to struggle with the many time commitments that we face on a daily basis, it is helpful to remember that the time we dedicate to the Knight’s has the simple purpose of giving to others. Our Council membership is well above 200 members, but only roughly 20% are truly active. If we could raise the number of active members in our Council by just 20 more members, another 10%, we could double our charitable output. Imagine a commitment as small as attending three of our monthly Council dinners in an entire year, volunteering to help out on one event, and attending two of our fundraisers. It does not sound like a lot of time or effort, but it will truly make a difference and reinforce the tremendous amount of good we produce for the community.

I look forward to seeing, speaking, volunteering, and working with all of you for the next twelve months. If the Knights can be of any service to yourselves, your families, or your Parish, please reach out and ask.

Bryan McKrell
Grand Knight, Council 953

PGK/Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

Newly installed officers for the new Columbian Year PGK John Sheldon presents PGK certificate to Lewis Muñoz

The council held its annual Past Grand Knights and Old Timers Dinner on Thursday, June 30. In addition to honoring those of our members who have achieved milestones of service in the Knights of Columbus, the council installed the new officers for the 2016-17 Columbian Year and thanked outgoing Grand Knight Lewis Muñoz. Additionally, Steve Mills and Dave Carboni were honored as Knights of the Year for 2015-16. Special thanks to all those who helped prepare the delicious dinner as well as to District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña for installing our new officers.

Newly elected Grand Knight Bryan McKrell receives the GK jewel from his wife Alyssa GK Lewis Muñoz presents the Knight of the Year award to David Carboni and Steve Mills

Too many people have often relied on group term life insurance as their only safety net.

Do you know anyone whose life or career has been drastically changed during the past economic downturn? It’s very likely that someone in your immediate or extended family or group of friends is facing financial uncertainty now. Maybe there’s a possibility that you (or your spouse) could lose your job or change employers.

Too many people have often relied on group term life insurance as their only safety net. Often, this insurance is an employee benefit provided at low or no cost. The existence of this coverage might convince someone that personally-owned life insurance is not necessary.

Only having “through work” insurance can leave you and your family vulnerable. Most group life insurance policies are limited in amount, which may be tied to salary or some other benchmark. These numbers are often capped, and this cap may be dangerously low when compared to your family’s actual needs. In fact, without a detailed needs analysis, any employer-provided coverage will likely cause a shortfall at the insured’s death.

In addition, the amount of group insurance offered is almost always reduced, sometimes dramatically, when you retire. You could one day find yourself without coverage, and if your health has changed (which it will as you age), you might also find yourself unable to secure individual protection. It will definitely be more expensive.

While group life insurance can help, it does not replace the need for individually owned life insurance. I’ll be happy to meet with you and provide a no-cost needs analysis, so you’ll know exactly where you stand.


Philip De Leon
(916) 607-1645

Culture of Life Report July 2016

Knights of Columbus Urges Prayers for Healing

Following a week of violence across the United States, the Knights of Columbus has called for a novena of prayer to heal the wounds and divisions afflicting this country.

Knights, their families and all people of good will are encouraged to join in the novena (nine days of prayer) that will run from July 14-22 by praying St. Francis of Assisi’s Prayer for Peace:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

“The violent episodes of the past week have shocked the conscience of our country,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “Through this prayer, each of us has the opportunity to help transcend hatred and violence by personally committing to the concepts of love of neighbor, peace and forgiveness that are central to an authentic embrace of Christianity. It is our hope that, from coast to coast, those who pray this prayer will become true instruments of peace.”

Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore also urged people to join this prayer campaign: “During this Year of Mercy, let us pray for an end to violence and senseless killings,” he said. “Through our prayers and good works, may we help build a society that is merciful, just and peaceful.”

Grand Knight’s Message, June 2016

Worthy Brother Knights and Knight Families:

As my final act of authoring the Grand Knight’s message for the last Council Newsletter of the Columbian year 2015-2016, I want to take a moment to thank you all for a successful year. Some of our biggest accomplishments this past year included:

  • Creating the St. Steven’s Council
  • Fundraising and donating funds to the Get-On-The-Bus Program
  • Donating to the Christians-At-Risk
  • Helping fellow Christians who are being persecuted by the violence in the Middle East
  • Donating to the Ukrainian Relief Fund (helping those in Ukraine being affected by the conflict with Russia)
  • Providing scholarships to the Cristo Rey High School students
  • Donating to the Food Bank
  • Donating supplies and items to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity House
  • Continuing to support religious vocations by supporting four seminarians complete their studies

The list goes on . . .This would not have been possible, but for the dedication of all of you.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me . . .” (Matthew 25:31-40.) “In service to one, in service to all.” (Knights of Columbus motto.) These words carry the very essence of what it means to be a Knight in our Order. Indeed, “in the Christian knight, the ideal of the warrior, as defender of the weak, joins with the ideal of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself, taking the form of a servant.” (Columbia, “Knights, The Servants of Mercy,” June 2016). We, as Knights of Columbus, strive to serve others. To defend those who cannot defend themselves. To speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. To stop suffering where there is pain, and to give love where there is hate. That is who we are. I am proud of each and every one of you, and you should all share in the success of this wonderful Order.

May God continue to bless you and your families.

Vivat Jesus!
Lewis Muñoz
Grand Knight, Council 953

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.