Grand Knight’s Message, January 2015

Brother Knights,

We reach the turning point in our councils Columbian Year, accomplishing much over the past six months. Yet three significant events remains, the Crab Dinner, Pasta for Life, and our beloved Irish Knight. We have an immediate need of Knights who can cook our corned beef and cabbage, plus other Irish victuals. The remaining Leprechaun duties will be easily assigned. As they say, “many hands makes for light work.” Yet we need able Knights to make the work light.

This brings me to membership. If there is someone in your parish or circle of catholic friends that would be a good addition to our council, invite them to our Thursday dinner. If they ask what we do, tell them we serve God by helping his church, our fellow man, and our brothers knights. To help process new applicants in a speedy fashion, we will be having 1st degrees in January, March, and April.

Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953

2014 Donors to 365 Club

Every year, the council asks its members and widows of deceased members to contribute at least $3.65 to the Columbian Charities. The Columbian Charities provides emergency financial assistance to Knights and widows of Knights who are in immediate need of funds for basic needs. This past year, the council donated a total of $1,177.80. Thanks to all, who are listed below, for contributing to this important cause.

Andy Abraham
George Haag
Vito Parisi
Gustavo Aguirre
Betty Heaton
Gerald Pauley
Oscar Alarcon
Matthew Hermann
Robert Perez
Miguel Alvarez
Ronald Hermann
Frank Philipps
Thomas Andrade
Daniel Horton
Alan Piccardo
Anthony Arieas
Stephen Huhn
Jeanne Pires
Gary Beck
Dominic Ielati
Scott Raab
James Bellotti
Dorothy Ielati
Ryan Remis
Robert Benton
Antonia Jaime
William Renard
Robert Bergman
James Johnson
Willliam Riehl
Kermit Blades
Alex Kachmar
Zac Rivera
Peter Brothers
Lynne Klein
Enrique Ruiz
David Carboni
George Kriske
Ricardo Saldana
Barbara Carvalho-Lehman
Eugene Kunz
Heladio Saldivar
Manuel Cazares
Manuel Leon
Eddilio Santarosa
Richard Claflin
Lawrence Lindelhof
Keith Schiele
Thomas Coe
Michael Litwin
Bill Sheean
Frank Consulo
Michael Lopez-Garcia
John Sheldon
Terry Corcoran
Pauline Lower
William Silva
Violet Corr
Ottavio Luchini
Andy Smith
Harriet Coster
Matthew Lucien
Robert Stahley
Daniel Curren
Joseph Masse
Dale Sterken
Richard Cutting
Thomas Matista
William Sweigard
Gladys Darling
Bryan McKrell
Garrett Thomas
Eugene Downs
Mary Mejia
Josh Tindel
Dale Edwards
Joseph Miceli
Kathryn Traversi
Ray Eneim
Raymond Middleton
Albert Wetklow
Anthony Epolite
George Mills
Alfred White
Robert Forster
Steven Mills
Jesse Williams
Gloria Gabrielli
Michael Mooney
Gregory Wolfe
Richard Gann
Frank Mugartegui
Charles Zanetti
Hector Garcia
Charles Nulk
Eric Geibel
Thomas Nulk
George Gianechini
Robert Ocenosak
Orly Greco
Robert O’Connor
Bernard Gruneisen
Carl Pagluica
Fred Struck
Floyd Wells

2015 Insurance Check Up

Where did 2014 go? It seems like it was summer yesterday and Easter was last week. I hope you and your family had a great finish to 2014. Now, the first month of 2015 is speeding by.

Hopefully, you’ve established a few goals for this year. I’ve learned a great tip regarding resolutions. First, write them down. It’s not too late if you haven’t already done this. Commit your goals to paper and post it someplace you will see it often. Writing down a goal is the first step towards achieving it. I don’t know exactly how this works, but I’ve heard stories of the success this simple task can bring. Whether your goal is to exercise more, give more to charity, read more or watch less television, you’re more likely to accomplish it if you write it down.

Second, resolve to have an expert look at your finances. I recommend that you have a team of experts help you, and I should be among the first you sit with. Schedule some time to visit with me, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, and I’ll provide an “insurance check-up” (at no cost!) that will quickly identify any gaps in your family’s life insurance program. And you’ll want to fill those gaps now, not later. Unlike many other products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance; you also need good health, and no one knows when your health could change.

Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received something for free that could be providing value to you and your family for generations? Call me today.

Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783

Culture of Life Report January 2015

Brother Knights,

Because we believe we are created in the image of God, we hold life to be sacred from conception to natural death. We believe that we are stewards—not owners—of our lives. As this year begins we need to concentrate our efforts supporting life. With the present Legislature, we have an excellent opportunity to advance an agenda of life over death.

The California legislature began its 2015-2016 session with 10 new Senators (out of 40) and 27 new members of the Assembly (out of 80.)

Fully one-third of the members are new or moving from one legislative office to another. The big turnover is the result of voter-approved term-limit rules that allow lawmakers to spend more time in one house rather that jumping between Assembly and State Senate districts.

New leaders include Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles), Senate President Pro Tempore; Tony Atkins (D-San Diego), Speaker of the Assembly; Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar), Senate Minority Leader; and Kristin Olson, (R-Modesto), Assembly Minority Leader.

Legislation will be introduced once the legislature gets down to business during the month of January. I urge each of you to take some time to educate the Legislature on our point of view – that being on acts generated from love.

John 13:34-35:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Remember that St. John Paul II called on all Catholic faithful to bear witness to the Gospel of Life and to build the “civilization of life and love”. In keeping with this mission and our Order’s Catholic principles of charity, unity, and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus stands strong in its conviction that every human life is a gift of God, endowed with certain inalienable rights—the first among these being the right to life. Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, we believe that human life is sacred and inviolable, and ought to be defended with maximum determination.

Let us stand together in this mission of nurturing a culture of life.

God Bless,
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director

March 2015 2nd And Third Degree Exemplification

By Jerry Fong

When: Saturday, March 7, 2015 Where: St John the Evangelist Parish – Carmichael Mark Your Calendar. District Deputy Ricco Ches and Arden-Carmichael Council 4970 are hosting a Second and Third Degree exemplification on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at St John the Evangelist Parish, 5751 Locust Avenue, Carmichael, 95608. See the attached Flyer for additional information. […]

The post March 2015 2nd And Third Degree Exemplification appeared first on Knights of Columbus Northern California Chapter.

Source:: Nor Cal Chapter

2nd And 3rd Degree Exemplification – Carmichael

By Jerry Fong

When: Saturday, March 7, 2015 Where: St John the Evangelist Parish – Carmichael Mark Your Calendar. District Deputy Ricco Ches and Arden-Carmichael Council 4970 are hosting a Second and Third Degree exemplification on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at St John the Evangelist Parish, 5751 Locust Avenue, Carmichael, 95608. See the attached Flyer for additional information. Schedule of […]

The post 2nd And 3rd Degree Exemplification – Carmichael appeared first on Knights of Columbus Northern California Chapter.

Source:: Nor Cal Chapter

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.