Grand Knight’s Message, August 2017

Adam Struck, Grand KnightWorthy Brothers,

We are only one month into the new Columbian Year, and our council is already a flurry of activity. Coming up on Saturday, August 12 is our Tri-Tip Dinner, and a few weeks later is our annual Mexican Night on Saturday, September 23. The proceeds from all our events fund our many charitable programs, so please consider coming to an event or two and enjoying some excellent food and great fun while knowing that you are helping those in need. As always, invite your family, friends, and maybe a prospective Knight or two.

Which brings me to another topic: membership. As the oldest Knights of Columbus council in Sacramento, we also are one of the largest councils in the area, with over 250 members and eight parishes under our jurisdiction. But as is the case with many fraternal organizations, we are lucky if one quarter of those members are active. Our ability to do the most charitable work for the most people in need around us depends on having an active and growing membership.

Throughout this Columbian Year, we are planning to host membership drives at four parishes that fall under Council 953 where there is an interest in the Knights of Columbus but where we have, at best, a minimal presence. Additionally, we will be reaching out to our more active parishes not only to bring new members into the Order but also to determine where we can be of greater service. Our officers and Membership Director will be tapping shoulders for help with these outreach efforts.

In that same spirit, I challenge each of you to do two things this Columbian Year:

  1. Reach out to at least one member you know who hasn’t been to any of our events or meetings for a while. Let them know how much we’d love to see them again, and tell them about all the good we are doing for our parishes, our community, and our fellow Brothers. Heck, offer to buy them a beer at our next meeting!
  1. Bring at least one new member into the Knights of Columbus. Many of us know more than one Catholic gentleman who has expressed an interest in the Knights. Invite them to one of our fundraisers, or bring them to one of our business meeting dinners (prospective Knights eat for free!). Either way, show them who we are and what our mission is, and encourage them to become a part of our Order.

Think of all the good we could do if just 10% of us – 25 people – each brought in one new member and brought back one inactive member. That’s 50 additional Brothers volunteering at parish events, helping with fundraisers, and volunteering in the community. In other words, we would double the amount of God’s work we could accomplish.

Thank You,
Adam Struck
Grand Knight, Council 953