We are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Terry Corcoran was elected as the Knight of the Month for the month of September 2011. Quite frankly brothers, we couldn’t operate with out the many unselfish efforts of Terry. Firstly, he is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. Secondly he is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. Speaking of his help, I can’t think of one council event he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. Lately he has been filling in at the bar for the council and 4th degree. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale which last year donated over $1,100 to local Catholic charities and I understand he has another fund raiser up his sleeve towards the end of this year??
Brothers lets give a hand of thanks to Terry! May he be with us for a long, long time, he is much appreciated.