Congratulations to Cristo Rey High School seniors Janeth Angeles Esparza, Yessica Contreras, Vivian Martinez, and Miguel Molina, who are the recipients of this year’s college scholarships from Council 953. These four worthy students were selected by the council’s officers from a list of nominees chosen by the faculty of Cristo Rey for their academic and other achievements. Each student was presented with a check for $500 by GK Fred Struck at a recent school assembly.
Annual Family Picnic
Bring the family for a fun afternoon. Hot Dogs, Chips and Drinks will be provided by the council.
When: Saturday July 12, at 1:00 pm
Where: East Portal Park, 1120 Rodeo Way, Sacramento, CA 95819
For more information:
Call Bryan McKrell
Knight of the Month – May 2014
He is a member of the 1st and 2nd degree teams. He is a Past Grand Knight and the current Treasurer of our council. He is the Youth Director, has been the chairman of Irish Night for many years, and is the Color Corps Commander and a Past Faithful Navigator in the 4th Degree.
Our Knight of the Month for the month of May is Dale Edwards.
The Value of Life Insurance for Children
As a father, you worry about your children and do many things to protect them. We try to raise them right and make sure they are prepared to become adults. But have you ever thought about buying life insurance on your child?
When you insure a child, you are protecting his or her future. Did you know that one out of every six adults get rated, postponed, or denied for insurance coverage? If you purchase a policy for your child from the Knights of Columbus, it guarantees that more insurance can be purchased for that child without proving insurability.
Unfortunately, as fathers we don’t have a crystal ball to tell us the future of our children. Your child could eventually have a rare disease, cancer, or be overweight. Did you know you can purchase a child’s policy, in many cases, for less than $10 a month?
I’ve heard it said that people don’t want to “profit” from the death of a child, so they won’t purchase coverage on their children. God forbid something tragic happens, those funds can come in handy at a time when finances will be the last thing on a parent’s mind. I have never heard a story about someone who regretting buying coverage on a child.
Contact me today to discuss the many policy options for child plans, including 10- and 20-Pay life insurance, as well as your other insurance needs.
Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783
Knight of the Month – April 2014
Our Knight of the Month for April is Kevin Simpson. He was our Membership Director and an active member of our council. He attended most of our meetings and helped out at most of our functions. Kevin passed away on April 5th as the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident while he was on the way to the exemplification of the 4th Degree. Per our worthy master and current faithful navigator of the Fourth Degree, Kevin Simpson will be treated as a Sir Knight in the Fourth Degree.
Garage Sale for Charity
Last month’s annual Garage Sale for Charity was another great success. Special thanks goes out to Steve Mills for co-chairing the sale, to Dave Carboni for providing the hot dogs, soda, and chips for the sale, and to everyone who helped set up, work the sale, clean up, and take the leftovers to St. Vincent de Paul. Proceeds from the sale will allow the Council to donate $500 to Clara’s House Free Clinic and $300 to the St. Mary’s Bereavement Society.
Terry Corcoran