Ladies’ Night Recap

I must personally say that it was a pleasure to see a larger number of guests for our annual tradition. I hope you enjoyed the meal as much as I enjoyed preparing it; but I’m already working on tweaking it for next year. First of all, I want to thank everyone who attended; and also want to apologize for the broccoli being cold. However, I also want to send a personal thanks to all the folks who helped out:
PGK Al Piccardo who, with my girlfriend Stefanie, was one of the three points for my “Assembly Line” plating;
PSD Dick Cutting, for handling the door, in addition to helping PGKs Dale Edwards & Alex Kachmar in helping
serve in the dining room;
…and Brother Terry Corcoran for both Tending Bar and handling the clean up.
I look forward to chairing this “Fun Raising” event again for an 11th year.
Matt Lucien

Journey to the Cross

On Sunday, March 30, the Immaculate Conception choir will present Journey to the Cross, a musical experience of the Gospels of Lent. The event is being held at 4:00 pm at Immaculate Conception parish, located at 3263 1st Avenue. A donation of $10 is requested, which benefits the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Immaculate Conception. For more information, please see the attached flier, or contact PGK Joe Miceli, who
will be bringing tickets for the event to the March Business Meeting.

Our Insured Members are so Loyal to the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program

I always wonder why our insured members are so loyal to the Knights of Columbus Insurance Program and many of our Associate Members “run for the hills” when the insurance program is mentioned. I understand some of the reasons to “run” can be as simple as your age or medical condition, but the Insurance Program is not only about life insurance for the members.
How about your wife, your children under 18, or business protection, or estate protection, or retirement, or Long Term Care issues? To become an Insured Member, all you need is a one time $300 deposit into an annuity. This is an insurance company’s version of a savings account. In all cases, your money is guaranteed by the Knights of Columbus. Whatever money you invest in the Knights of Columbus does assist other Catholic families that are experiencing a financial loss due to death, disability, unemployment, retirement, and illness.
The virtues of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity are played out by being an Insured Member. Join our ranks today. To contact me with regards to any of your insurance needs, please call my office or send an e-mail. Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783

Knight of the Month – February 2014

Knight of the Month February 2014The Knight of the Month for February 2014 is PGK Al Piccardo. For many years, Al has taken the lead in organizing two of our biggest events – the Giant Shrimp Dinner in November and the Crab Feed in January. He always goes out of his way to ensure that the events are successful by bringing in huge crowds and soliciting raffle prizes from local merchants. Council 953 is pleased to name Al Knight of the Month for February in appreciation for his continued hard work that again made these two recent events successful and fun for all.

Culture of Life Report for March 2014

Brother Knights,
Spring, the season that represents life is upon us once again. So please take a moment to look around you and you will undoubtedly see your Mothers your Fathers, your Brothers and your Sisters. Their lives have bloomed because their Mother did not choose to cut their life short. Each of us should take some time and devote our efforts to saving a life.
Please use the month of March to stand up for life. Take a few minutes to call a friend and pass the word about springtime and the sanctity of life.
I am asking that each of my Brother Knights join with me in prayer on March 7, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. during the Sacramento 40 Days for Life at 1442 Ethan Way and Hallmark Drive. Let us spend one hour in prayer together. Praying outside an abortion facility is one of the most important pro-life activities we can do.
40 Days for Life continues the prayerful tradition started in 2007, mobilizing people of faith and conscience now in hundreds of cities across the United States, Canada and the world. On March 5, the prayer campaign will begin in Sacramento and cities everywhere. I sincerely thank you for standing with us for these babies who are created in God’s image and worthy of our time!
The Knights of Columbus will unite with others across America and around the world for a massive, coordinated, pro-life mobilization. This campaign is an effort to bring together people of all faiths to pray for an end to the loss of pre-born human life and for the healing of those affected by abortion. We are praying that, with God’s help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Sacramento — and throughout the world.
While all aspects of 40 Days for Life are crucial in our effort to end abortion, the most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil outside the abortion facility on Ethan Way. The vigil is peaceful. Participants agree to a Code of Conduct with a pledge that they will conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner. You can help make a life-saving impact by signing up for at least one one-hour block of time. Everyone is welcome!
If you are unable to attend, please take some time to write to your Congressional elected representatives. I urge you to support legislation to take us one small step toward a society that promotes life and not death for unborn children and their mothers. The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 7) deserves your support, so please write your letter today.
Choose Life !
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director

Grand Knight’s Message, February 2014

To my brother knights & their families,

Our Crab Feed was held on Saturday January 18th. This is one of our big fund raisers. Many thanks to all who helped prepare the food, serve the food, sold raffle tickets and helped cleaned. Also thanks to all who brought friends and family to the dinner and purchased raffle tickets. A special thank you to Al Piccardo who not only chaired the dinner but also brought many people to the dinner and solicited many of the raffle prizes. This was the second major fund raiser that Al has chaired in two months.

Ladies Night on February 20th is a great opportunity for us to treat the special women in our lives to a very special fun filled evening. In case anyone forgets Valentine’s Day, here is your chance for redemption.  Please contact PGK Matt Lucien at (916)382-9727 for reservations or  leave a message on the hall phone at 916-736-0953.

This year’s Pasta Dinner will be held on Thursday February 27. This is a fund-raiser to benefit the Sacramento Life Center and the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.  For reservations or to volunteer to help out please call: PGK Ricardo Saldaña (916) 712‐7355 or leave a message on the hall phone at 916-736-0953.

Please consider wearing your Knights of Columbus name badge when you are at church, especially when you are volunteering your time. This also includes when you are helping out at the school if your parish has one.  This is a great opportunity for the members of your church to see the Knights of Columbus in action. Perhaps you might pique the interest of a potential candidate for our order.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight council 953

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.