Grand Knight’s Message, October 2013

To my Brother Knights & their Families,

 October is the month of the Rosary. As members of the Knights of Columbus we are asked to have our

Rosary with us always and to pray it often. On Saturday, October 12, 2013 a public Rosary is being said at Noon at various public locations across the nation. One of the locations will be held in front of Sacramento State University. We will meet at the Council Hall at 11:30 am and then proceed on foot to the corner of Carlson Drive and “J” Street in front of the university sign. I will be there, I hope you will be too. Wear your Knights of Columbus shirts.

We are doing recruitment at four locations this month. First at the Immaculate Conception Festival on Sunday October 6. Also on October 26/27 we are recruiting after the Masses at Sacred Heart, Newman Center and St. Stephan’s. We are combining recruitment with the Tootsie Roll drive at Sacred Heart. We also have a Tootsie Roll drive at St. Mary’s on October 19/20 after the Masses. Please help us out, especially if you go to one of these parishes.

Don’t forget that German Night (Oktoberfest ) is on Saturday, October 26th. This is a fundraiser for the many charitable works we do throughout the year. I encourage you to contact Tom Nulk or Steve Mills to see how you can help out at this event. Make plans to come to the dinner and bring some friends. This is a great event and always a lot of fun.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight Council 953

Culture of Life Report for October 2013

Brother Knights,

Building a culture of life is of prime importance to all Catholics, especially members of the Knights of Columbus. We should not forget that we are the right arm of the Church, and we are constant defenders of the faith! To fulfill the mission of Christ we must speak the truth to all that will listen. We should start today and talk to family, friends and neighbors about how precious life is for all of us. It is in this way, as Knights, that we can fight for the end of legalized abortion and comfort those contemplating the unspeakable. More importantly, we need to strive to change the culture to make abortion the choice not made. We have the power in us to strengthen this culture as life is so precious and preferable to death!

But our efforts are not limited to the opposition to abortion. As knights we strive to promote the sanctity and protection of life from the first moment of conception until the final moment of natural death. The dying, sick, elderly and disabled are all worthy of the love of God and our efforts to help them maintain value and dignity in their lives. Take a moment to reflect on this and what we can do as Knights.

 First we must strengthen ourselves via individual and communal prayer: Mass, the Holy rosary and Eucharistic Adoration. At times we are working at the ‘gates of hell’, and we need to possess the graces to withstand the battle. We must recognize that as Knights we are involved in a cultural and spiritual warfare.

Secondly, we must reach out to those who feel that they are locked in to only one choice and show them the avenues which will help them and preserve the sanctity of life – adoption and pregnancy care centers. We should not remain silent, when we hear that fear and uncertainty may lead to an abortion. As Knights, we need to speak up.

 We also need to educate ourselves and others as to the reality of the culture of death- late term abortions, the morning after pill, other contraceptives.

 Lastly, we must act responsibly when it comes to opposing legislation which demeans life and the family. This includes supporting traditional marriage. We should not be supporting political candidates who openly and continually support a culture of death.

Many of our leaders are praising Planned Parenthood and same sex marriage while assaulting traditional family values and religious freedom. God has been removed from the equation. The soul of America has been tarnished. As Knights of Columbus it is our task to change the course of history so once again we become one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Hector Garcia
Pro-Life Director

2013 Zippy Bun Booth a Great Success!

Once again, the council successfully operated the Zippy Bun Booth this past August 18th at the St. Mary’s festival and had a good time doing so. As always, this event depends on the volunteers without whom there would be no ZBB. We would like to acknowledge those who helped out and extend a sincere thanks for their efforts.

Setting up the booth on Saturday morning were Matt Lucien, Fred Struck, Hector Garcia, George Kriske and this years co-chairman, Terry Corcoran. Special thanks goes to Matt who, in the absence of the other co-chairman, went to the hall and retrieved all the necessary equipment for the booth. Those who chipped in during the two hour shifts throughout the day include: Ricardo Saldana, Dick Cutting, Floyd Wells (who, every year forgets that if he comes to the booth immediately following 8:00 am mass, is going to be put to work slicing buns), Matt Lucien, Al Piccardo, Frank Phillips, Kevin Simpson, Andy Thielen, Dominic Ileati, Hector Garcia (who also showed up for the 6-8:00PM shift and then stayed for the take down-thanks Hector), Michael Lopez-Garcia, John Watling (who also stayed around for several additional shifts), Adam Struck, Alex Kachmar, Lewis Munoz, Bill Renard and Joe Miceli. Hector, Joe and Bill also stayed around for the take down. And, as always, a major shout out to our Master of Au Jus, Dave Carboni who stumbles into the kitchen around six in the morning to prepare the elixir without which our zippy bun sandwich would be just a sandwich.

A hearty thanks to all. If I’ve missed anyone or failed to mention your special efforts, I apologize. Let me know and I will certainly mention you.

Terry Corcoran
George Mills

Tootsie Roll Drive

On Saturday and Sunday, October 19th and 20th, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at St. Mary’s Church following all the masses. On Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th, we will be holding our annual “Tootsie Roll Drive” at Sacred Heart.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the event, this is a fundraiser, the proceeds of which go to local charities which provide support for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Briefly, following each mass, members of the council are stationed outside the doors of the church with a supply of Tootsie Rolls. The Tootsie Rolls are handed out to any member of the congregation who would like one and voluntary donations are collected from those who wish to give. This event has been held at St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart Churches for many years and is well known to and enjoyed by the parishioners.

We will also have a membership drive in conjunction with the Sacred Heart Tootsie Roll Drive.

If you are willing to help, please contact George Mills (St. Mary’s) or Dick Cutting (Sacred Heart).

Flexible Premium Annuity

Concerned about a comfortable and worry-free retirement? In addition to our traditional Flexible Premium Annuity, the Knights of Columbus offers the VANTAGE Single Premium Deferred Annuity, and it may be part of the answer for you.

With a single deposit of $25,000 or more, the VANTAGE allows you to lock-in a guaranteed interest rate for five years. In addition, there are several attractive renewal options once the five-year period has expired, including keeping the funds in another VANTAGE Annuity, placing them in a more traditional flexible premium annuity where the interest rate can be changed on a quarterly or more frequent basis or — in the 30-day period prior to the fifth and tenth policy anniversaries — withdrawing the funds without a surrender charge.

The VANTAGE Annuity, along with our Flexible Premium Annuity, provides the guarantees that Knights of Columbus members have come to expect — guaranteed interest rates along with absolute safety of principal. In addition, we can easily accommodate rollovers and transfers free of charge.

I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience — in your home — to discuss with you in detail how the Knights of Columbus can help you to secure the comfortable, worry-free retirement you want and deserve.

Justin Tanjuaquio, FICF
(916) 726-0981 CA LIC 0C46842

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.