Public Square Rosary Crusade

Announcing the 2013


America is at a historic crossroad.  Secularists are trying to push God from the public square.  They reject His beneficial action upon society.  But without God, where will our leaders get the wisdom to solve the great problems we face?

We must stop the secularist advance, and pray to God for help.  He will hear us, if we pray through the intercession of His Blessed Mother.  That’s why we’re launching the 2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade.

In The Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Montfort said:  “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”


What:   The Holy Rosary

Where:  Park and Meet at Knights of Columbus 953 Hall ofc, 5961 Newman Ct

At 11:30am, Saturday, October 12, 2013.  We will then proceed on foot to the corner of Sacramento State University and “J” Street and stop on the sidewalk in front of the university sign.

When:   12:00pm, Saturday, October 12, 2013

 For more information, contact:

Name:  Lilian Clifford

Phone Number:  (916) 361-1129

Grand Knight’s Message, September 2013

To my Brother Knights & their Families,

August was a good month for 953. First we served beer at the St. Stephens Pig Roast. Our participation helped to make the event a great success. We also worked the St. Mary’s Festival with our Zippy Bun Booth. I would like to especially thank George Mills, who was the chair for this event, all the Brother Knights who worked this booth, and Dave Carboni for making his excellent au jus.

 We also held a 1st Degree Exemplification during the month of August. We are happy to welcome 4 new members into our council. We have an awesome 1st Degree team, especially George Mills & Matt Lucien who know their parts perfectly and execute their parts with great enthusiasm. Also thanks to Bryan McKrell who filled in as Grand Knight for the degree. It was his first time and he did a splendid job.

 German Night (Oktoberfest ) is on Saturday, October 26th. This is a fundraiser for the many charitable works we do throughout the year. I encourage you to contact Tom Nulk or Steve Mills to see how you can help out at this event. Make plans to come to the dinner and bring some friends. This is a great event and always a lot of fun.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight Council 953

St. Stephen’s Pig Roast – Knights of Columbus Beer Booth

St. Stephen's Pig Roast – Knights of Columbus Beer Booth
St. Stephen’s Pig Roast – Knights of Columbus Beer Booth

On August 4th, council 953 served beer to thirsty pig roast participants. John, Fred, Lewis, Terry, and Alex slacked the thirst of many while Brother Jerry took a more hands on approach. Arriving early, he helped break down the freshly roasted pigs into more manageable bites with the other men from St. Stephen’s. His presence was unknown to me until I came into the classroom where they were working. The knife-wielding men were happy to see the pitcher of beer I brought for their consumption. Besides serving beer and pork, Terry joined in on the fun by participating in the White Elephant booth across the lawn. He was the proud winner of a large jar of jelly beans, yet the real winner that day was St. Stephens when we handed over more than $100 in tips. This goes to show that fraternity, community, and charity can be fun. Especially handing out over sized beers to those lucky Brother Knights. Thank you one and all.


– John Sheldon, DGK

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.